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Workout Goals -15 exercises to Keep Yourself Fit at Home

Workout Goals -15 exercises to Keep Yourself Fit at Home

Some people do exercises in the gym, but it’s sometimes difficult to make the time with a busy schedule. There are many ways you can achieve a great workout at home, but some of the best alternatives to gym visits involve using your own body weight and minimal equipment. This quick guide goes through 15 great exercises that can be done at home. Some of them only require you to have a bit of space and some basic bodyweight strength.

Push-ups, Pull-Ups/Chin-Ups, Stair Climbs:

Push-ups, Pull-Ups/Chin-Ups, Stair Climbs:

1.) Push-ups:

Not only is it a great exercise, but push-ups are also extremely versatile. They can be used in multiple ways; you can do them on the floor, on a bench, or hanging from a pull-up bar. You can even do them in place of crunches while watching TV if you don’t have much time to spare at home.

2.) Pull-Ups/Chin-Ups:

Another exercise that will help you tone and trim your midsection is the pull-up or chin-up movement. You can do these exercises with your own bodyweight or a pull-up bar. They also target your core, shoulders, and bicep muscles simultaneously.

3.) Stair Climbs:

A specific variation of the pull-up is the stair climb movement. It’s a unique exercise because it’s actually an assisted pull-up movement. When you do this exercise, you will stand on two opposing stair steps and grab the handrail with your hands. Then do a regular pull-up exercise while climbing in place.

Lunges, Plank walk,Shutter Squat


4.) Squats:

The squat exercise is one of the most basic and effective weight-bearing exercises anyone can do at home to achieve a full-body workout. You can do this exercise with a chair or on the sofa. If you don’t have those items, then another great alternative is the squatting movement while holding onto a sturdy piece of furniture in your house. Squats help build up the buttocks and inner thigh muscles while building strength in your legs. Simply stand with your feet together and slowly squat down until the thighs are parallel to the floor, then push yourself back up to complete one repetition.

5.) Crunches:

The next exercise you should try if you have time for just one at-home activity is crunches. Lie on your back and place your hands behind your head or under the butt to support it as you do sit-ups. Using your abs, do a grunge movement. You can also use pillows or a chair to support the back. The muscle group that benefits from the abdominal crunch is your body’s core. This exercise will tone your midsection and help you get rid of excess stomach fat.

6.) Lunge Jumps:

This exercise can be done by standing upright with your body while holding weights in each hand. Then do a squat jump movement. You can also do this exercise on the floor by placing your hands flat on the ground and then lifting your body up and down over and over again as if you were doing a push-up in place.

Push-up Row, Bridge Up and Down: ,Lateral Step:

Push-up Row, Bridge Up, and Down:  Lateral Step:

7.) Lunges:

Lunges are great exercises for toning up the lower body of your body. To do this exercise, stand tall with your feet together and then step out with one foot about a foot to 18 inches away from you, depending on what is comfortable for you. Then bend both knees, lowering the body until the rear knee almost touches the floor. Push yourself back up to the start position.

8.) Plank Walk:

There are many types of this exercise that can be done at home. One variation is to do a plank and walk your way across a room, as if you were walking on a tightrope or board over water, while still keeping your core tight, shoulders down, and hands directly under your shoulders. You can also do this exercise on the floor by holding a plank position. This exercise is great because it’s simple yet very effective. It targets your core and shoulders while building some upper body strength, as well as other booty muscles.

9.) Shutter Squat:

This is probably one of the unique exercises you can do at home. To do this exercise, you will have to place your hands together in front of you in a praying position, then slowly squat down until the ankles touch the floor or your knees are at 90 degrees angles to the floor. Then lift yourself back up to start position by straightening both legs at once.

Roll-Up and Roll-Over, Split-Squat Jump, Burpee:

Roll-Up and Roll-Over, Split-Squat Jump, Burpee:

10.) Push-up Row:

This exercise is done by placing the hands on a bench, then doing a push-up. While in that position, you will do a row movement with each arm to complete one repetition. You can also do this exercise on the floor by placing your hands flat on the ground and then lifting your body up and down over and over again as if you were doing a push-up in place.

11.) Bridge Up and Down:

To do this exercise, you will lie on your back with your palms flat on the floor by your sides and then lift both feet off the ground while keeping your hips high in the air. Then slowly lower them back down to starting position.

12.) Lateral Step:

Lateral steps are great for working out the side muscles of your legs. Stand in place and step to one side, then the other in a lateral stepping motion. One repetition is when you’ve stepped to one side and then back again.

13.) Roll-Up and Roll-Over:

This exercise can be done with a resistance band. Tie the band to something secure in your house or apartment. While in a push-up position, grab the band’s ends with both hands and try to pull them together while rolling over, then do it back again.

people working out


14.) Split-Squat Jump:

This exercise is done by standing upright with your body upright while holding weights in each hand. Then do a squat jump movement. You can also do this exercise on the floor by placing your hands flat on the ground and then lifting your body up and down over and over again as if you were doing a push-up in place.

15.) Burpee:

This exercise combines several movements that can be done in many variations. It can be done while standing or on the floor. You start by standing tall with your feet together and then place your hands on the ground or a bench or table, then kick your feet back in a push-up position while bringing your hands back up while jumping into the air as high as you can. Then jump back down to starting position by placing your hands on the ground or bench and return to standing tall once again.

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