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The easiest way to track Health and Fitness

The easiest way to track Health and Fitness

Tracking your fitness progress is the best way to stay motivated and achieve long-term goals. It’s easy to do and entirely free, so there is no excuse not to take the time every day to keep track of your progress.

In this article, we will clarify what tracking your fitness means, provide insight on how you can begin tracking your progress today, top 10 best fitness trackers and further advise you on how you can maximize the effectiveness of your efforts.

What Is a Pedometer?

A pedometer is a handheld device that can be clipped on your waistband or belt, typically made from plastic, metal, or glass, and most commonly battery-powered. It displays how many steps you’ve taken in a day as well as how far you traveled along the route. These devices are commonly used for fitness tracking purposes and are also used with other applications such as measuring activities such as gardening or woodworking.

ladies exercising


They are an excellent way to track your overall fitness level over time. They also provide feedback on the kinds of activities you do and their intensity. Using a step counter (like a pedometer), you can track things like your walking distance, the amount of time you spend walking on average each day, as well as just how active you are in general.

How to Choose the Best Pedometer?

One important aspect to consider when making a pedometer selection is how accurate it is. Many different models are available, with some being more accurate than others depending on the price point. Another factor to consider is the type of pedometer you choose. Some models are clip-on trackers that go in your pocket or are clipped onto your belt. Other pedometer models are built into a wristwatch.

Pedometers with wristband varieties work well for people who walk a lot. They do not have to worry about carrying them in their pocket. They can just wear them on their wrist and not even know it is there. This can be especially convenient for people who spend most of the day walking, such as waiters, nurses, etc.

Recently, there has been a new trend in pedometers coming out that have extra applications beyond just tracking steps and distance traveled. Some models come with a heart rate monitor built-in. This makes it ideal for monitoring your fitness by getting information about your overall fitness level and its changes over time.

How to Wear a Pedometer Correctly?

To get the most accurate results from your pedometer, make sure to wear it correctly. It should be worn as level and snug as possible on your waistband, belt, or clothing. It should be positioned at an angle of 10-15 degrees to the body’s horizontal axis. If you wear the pedometer too high on your waist (low on a skirt) or too low (on a hip), it will not get good readings.

fitness tracker

fitness tracker


If you’re looking for a fitness tracker that will keep you motivated and on track, look no further than our quick rundown of the best activity trackers on the market. Whether you prefer an accurate heart rate monitor or an Apple Watch, we’ve found a little something for everyone!

What Should I Consider Before Buying A Fitness Tracker?

1. Keep in mind which combos suit your needs

If you want to track your steps and sleep patterns and don’t care about connected GPS, buy one at a low cost! The Fitbit Alta HR is the most affordable fitness tracker with all these features, plus it looks great too.

Furthermore, you have to be aware of the sizes. Small fitness trackers are quite easy to wear. They’re also easier to lose, which is important if you’re washing your hands a lot or if they get wet. Some of the tiny gadgets are waterproof and come with an interchangeable clip so they can be worn on the wrist. You can even remove the tracker from the clip and leave it in your pocket!

2. It’s all about design:

The fitness trackers you’d be going for have physical buttons: tap, swoosh, and swipe. This makes them easy to use. The Fitbit Flex 2 has a vibrating wristband that lights up in different colors, and the Jawbone Up Move is an amazing bracelet with a unique buckle design.

3. There’s more to activity trackers than steps:

All fitness trackers have step tracking apps and calendars that show your results to keep you motivated as well as encourage you not to slack off!

Misfit Ray Fitness and Sleep Monitor ,Garmin Vivosmart HR,Samsung Gear Fit2 Pro Fitness Tracker Wristband,Samsung Gear Fit2 Pro Fitness Tracker Wristband

fitness tracker

4. Pairing your tracker with another device is easy (if not instant):

If you get the best Apple Watch ever made, then be sure to register it on its own page. If you opt for a Samsung Gear Fit2, the process is going to be easier. Just download their app, sync the device and use it!

A step-by-step guide on how to pair your fitness tracker: The most important thing is to have the devices close by each other. You need to check that Bluetooth and Wi-Fi for both devices are enabled, then unlock your phone (in the case of an Apple device).

There should be a Health app on your iPhone’s home screen (if not, you’ll have to install it). Open it and tap on the ‘+’ symbol in the top right corner. Choose Activity/Steps as well as Sleep. Go to the Information tab, and you’ll see your tracker’s ID. This is its name, so you’ll be able to find it in the list of devices.

What Are The Top 10 Best Fitness Trackers Available Right Now?

1. Garmin Forerunner 645 Music GPS Smartwatch 

The best GPS running watch that you can also use as a normal watch! It has great battery life and water resistance of up to 50 meters.

Fitbit Ionic Smartwatch + Activity Tracker in Blue Grey/Blue Grey/Silver ,Fitbit Charge 3 Heart Rate + Fitness Wristband 

Fitbit Ionic Smartwatch + Activity Tracker in Blue Grey/Blue Grey/Silver, Fitbit Charge 3 Heart Rate + Fitness Wristband

2. Garmin Forerunner 235 GPS Running Watch 

Those who like their running watches are even more basic and with a smaller display.

3. Fitbit Ionic Smartwatch + Activity Tracker in Blue Grey/Blue Grey/Silver 

A water-resistant smartwatch has an amazing battery life, and is connected to GPS with a heart rate monitor!

4. Fitbit Charge 3 Heart Rate + Fitness Wristband 

A more affordable version of the Alta HR with a larger display!

5. Fitbit Flex 2 

The first swim-proof fitness tracker with interchangeable bands and a slender design!

6. Fitbit Versa Smartwatch

Fitbit Versa Smartwatch is a great smartwatch alternative to Apple Watch with good battery life and interchangeable straps!

Garmin Forerunner 645 Music GPS Smartwatch , .Garmin Forerunner 235 GPS Running Watch 

Garmin Forerunner 645 Music GPS Smartwatch ,Garmin Forerunner 235 GPS Running Watch

7. Jawbone UP Move Activity Tracker Wristband Bracelet Clip

Great looking fitness band for those with tiny wrists!

8. Misfit Ray Fitness and Sleep Monitor 

A stylish fitness tracker with interchangeable straps!

9. Samsung Gear Fit2 Pro Fitness Tracker Wristband

A modern fitness tracker with a large display and support for NFC payments!

10. Garmin Vivosmart HR

A rugged tracker that can be used as an activity tracker, a heart rate monitor, and a sleep monitor simultaneously!
