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Was Sri Lanka a part of the Lost City of Atlantis?

Was Sri Lanka a part of the Lost City of Atlantis?

Definition of Atlantis.

Before We Start, Let’s First Take a Look at The Definition of Atlantis.

Atlantis was a mythical island first mentioned by Plato. It is described as a powerful, wealthy island ruled by a warrior-king. It is thought to have been submerged by the advance of ice from glaciers at the end of the last ice age before 1000 BC.

The Lost City of Atlantis is based on Plato’s account. But many other authors have written their own versions of the story since then. The Atlantis story is often taken as fiction. For some, the story of Atlantis is a metaphor for the rise and fall of human civilizations.

There are many arguments for this lost city in Sri Lanka, including archeological evidence showing massive ruins, huge reservoirs of water, and mass destruction. This article will go through all these arguments to see if they really existed or not.

Definition of Atlantis.

What is The Connection Between Sri Lanka and Atlantis?

There is another, more ancient version of the idea that Sri Lanka was Atlantis. And it’s this ancient version that has led to the island being identified with Atlantis over time. Especially by historians and researchers such as Henry de Basing, Father Pierre de Garissey, Father Jacques Peyron, and Antoine Beschi. They all created maps in which they show a connection between Sri Lanka and Atlantis.

But this is no different from the connection between Tibet and Atlantis, with both being identified with that lost city of Plato’s “Timaeus.” Some researchers even thought that Sri Lanka had been submerged beneath the Bay of Bengal during the Ice Age. This is because they already identified it as such in ancient texts such as those by Chinese historian Ma Huan. Based on this, many researchers believe that Sri Lanka used to be located on top of a floating continent or island off Europe or Asia.

What is Geo-archaeology?

“Geo-archaeology” is the science of tracing the geographic position of an object or an event by archaeological, geological, or other means. This view that Sri Lanka had been submerged beneath the Bay of Bengal during the Ice Age fits in with this method. But some researchers dismiss this idea by saying that there are no indisputable proofs to back up this theory.

For example, Sri Lanka’s position had changed significantly between 10,000 BC and AD 1600. This is because it dropped below sea level between 10,000 BC and 30000 BC due to natural causes. Such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, different levels of sea levels (which is likely due to glaciation), and most recently, global warming.

But after 30000 BC, the island rose above sea level. This process was accelerated around 1500 BC up to the present day. This means that Sri Lanka has dropped approximately 1300 feet below sea level in 10,000 years. But it rose about 306 feet above sea level within the last 3000 years.

What is Geo-archaeology?

Distance Between Sri Lanka and Atlantis

So, according to geo-archaeology, the distance between Sri Lanka and Atlantis can’t be very great. And it’s not like Sri Lanka is really far from Atlantis, geographically speaking. The length of India’s east coast is around 1600 miles (2,500 kilometers), while Africa’s is only 2200 miles (4,000 kilometers). This means that Sri Lanka is around 86 miles (138 kilometers) away from Atlantis.

But by geo-archaeology, the distance between Sri Lanka and Atlantis doesn’t matter. What they are really talking about is that Sri Lanka was once part of Atlantis. But this idea is not supported by any archaeological evidence at all. Because no civilization existed there before the Ice Age. So, it has no traces to show for gods. Gods, or humans to have lived there or left any relics behind. This is why most researchers have abandoned this idea over the years.

Sri Lanka is a part of Atlantis (Evidence)

Sri Lanka is a part of Atlantis (Evidence)

But some researchers still insist that Sri Lanka is where Atlantis was located. They provide two main pieces of evidence to justify this claim. First, they say that the Sinhalese people of Sri Lanka speak a dialect closely related to ancient Tamil. Second, they point out that the name “Sri” was used by the ancient Tamils in honor of their goddess Ishvara (also known as Shri or Lakshmi). So these researchers believe that Sri Lanka is where Atlantis was located. And it did exist in some form at least between 10,000 BC and 30000 BC.

But what these researchers don’t realize is that this idea is based on the premise that the Sinhalese people were originally from Atlantis, having been shipwrecked there from Turkey or India. Furthermore, Sri Lanka is about the same distance to the eastern coast of India as it is to Turkey. So if they really had been shipwrecked in Sri Lanka, they could have easily traveled toward the coast of India rather than stay where they were. But apparently, they chose to continue living in Sri Lanka because it was comfortable for them there. Or maybe they just decided not to travel toward India. Because it was more convenient or practical for them not to do so.

Are Sinhalese Descended from Atlanteans?

We can’t really say what happened. But this doesn’t mean that the Sinhalese are descended from or related to the Atlanteans or anyone else. So they must have had their own ancestors. Some researchers even argue that there is not enough genetic diversity among the Sinhalese people. That might be due to either the lack of sufficient time for it to occur in Sri Lanka. Since then or that their level of displacement is low compared with others on this planet.

And even if there was some kind of genetic link with people in Turkey, it could have easily been lost over time. Because less of it has been passed down through the generations for so many generations to have passed.

So the idea that Sri Lanka is where Atlantis was located is just another attempt to connect it with the myth of Atlantis. And the idea that Sri Lanka is located where Tibet was located is just another attempt to connect it with the myth of Shambala. But this doesn’t mean they are wrong about Atlantis or Shambala. Because there’s no evidence to back up their claims either. All of these myths are probably just metaphors for some unknown part of the planet that might or might not exist.

Where was Atlantis located?

Sri Lanka is not where Atlantis was located, and no one really knows what it was like. But many researchers believe that Sri Lanka is where Tibet was located, which is also supposed to be the home of the gods in Shambala. But Shambala is not some physical place like Tibet or Atlantis. However, people who still think it’s physical (or somewhere on earth) still claim that Shambala exists in some remote part of China, Mongolia, or Tibet.

Where was Atlantis located?

Because of this, the idea that Sri Lanka is where Atlantis was located doesn’t make any sense in the context of our own world. But though it might make some sense in the context of another world, in which the facts are different, it’s really just another attempt to connect Sri Lanka with tales about Atlantis or Shambala. Which are myths created by people who don’t even have any empirical evidence to back them up.


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