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The lost City of Atlantis

The lost City of Atlantis

What Is The Lost City of Atlantis?

Many people have heard the legends of the lost city of Atlantis, a land located in the Atlantic Ocean. In classical times, it was said to have been located somewhere between Portugal and Morocco. But how is it possible for a massive civilization to exist at such depths, with little or no contact from above? Experts believe that Atlantis was actually a network of islands that quickly sank in a tsunami-like event in approximately 1184 BC.

After this event, the water flooded in and pushed all but one section out from under mainland Europe. This part of Atlantis, known as Atlantis Major, was eventually knocked out of its orbit by an asteroid in approximately 9600 BC and began to sink beneath the sea quickly. The inhabitants of Atlantis Major had taken to building ships and sailing away before the catastrophic event occurred. It is said that the last boat-load of refugees was witness to a strange sight the destruction of their homeland caused by the asteroid that struck it. After that, there were no more sightings or traces of what was once known as Atlantis

What Is The Lost City of Atlantis?

History of Atlantis

For years, it has been told through history and legend that such a place truly existed. Most notable in this regard is Plato’s account of Atlantis. In his book ‘Timaeus‘ and ‘Critias,’ he describes a sunken land called Atlantis, which was subject to an enormous flood in response to Poseidon’s war with the Titan ruler Belos. It is also mentioned in Plato’s dialogue Timaeus, where it is suggested that a flood did not destroy the city at all but rather swallowed by a rogue oceanic mountain known as the “Rock of Crete.”

 Atlantian refugees

Plato stated that these Atlantian refugees were led by a man named Solon, who took them to Egypt after the destruction of their homeland. It is suggested that the Egyptians borrowed many of their high technologies from these Atlantian refugees. The Egyptian Pyramids, Sphinx, and other such structures were either created by Atlantians or built using their technology. Plato also tells of how Atlantis possessed great power and was attacked by an outside force in approximately 9600 BC. That was an evolutionary period when humans were just starting to develop basic geometry and writing. This time coincides with the period when an asteroid, possibly around one kilometer in diameter, collided with planet Earth. Scientists refer to it as the ‘Late Cretaceous Impact Event.’

 Atlantian refugees

What Happened To The Lost City of Atlantis?

The force generated by this asteroid is said to be equal in power to that generated when an atomic bomb detonates. Although the exact size of the asteroid that hit Earth is still indeterminable, scientists have made estimates of its approximate weight. If the asteroid that killed off this section of Atlantis was one kilometer in diameter, it would have contained 54 quintillion kilograms of material. This is enough to create a crater with a diameter of over 120 kilometers across. Even more surprising is that such an asteroid would be expected to leave behind a substantial amount of material in the atmosphere. This debris would then scatter across the globe. And cause dark skies and strong winds for up to 10 years following such an explosion. It would also severely disrupt normal weather patterns. Which could last for up to 50 years in some parts of Earth.

Did an asteroid collide with earth?

If the theories of scientists are correct, then this event would have caused the destruction of most life on Earth. There was obviously not enough time for human beings to completely develop from a relatively primitive evolutionary state. This would explain why there are no records of Atlantis prior to 1184 BC. In addition to that, if such an asteroid were to collide with Earth, it would create a tremendous amount of dust in the atmosphere that could cause temperatures around the world to drop drastically for up to two years. This is consistent with Plato’s account in which he describes a tremendous drop in temperature at the same time as Atlantis sank beneath the ocean.

The theories of Atlantis and the destruction of its inhabitants can be traced back to Plato, who built his account on the accounts of Aristotle and Hesiod. It is said that Hesiod’s story may have been based on a real event that occurred at about 10000 BC. His account is different from those of Plato and Aristotle in several respects, but it follows their stories’ basic narrative.

Was The Lost City of Atlantis Found?

Was The Lost City of Atlantis Found?

Over time, there has been much debate about whether such a place as Atlantis ever existed. There are many people who feel that such a place as Atlantis, with such fantastical claims made by ancient sources, can never be proven false. On the other hand, there are those who are convinced that it never existed due to a lack of evidence. Some have even gone so far as to say that Atlantis is nothing more than a myth created by Plato.

But despite these claims, there are still many others who believe that Atlantis was a real place. Scientists have studied the lost city of Atlantis for years with no definitive answers. Perhaps this is because they have been searching for it in all the wrong places. Also, it can be because its location has been unknown until now. Maybe it is even possible that an asteroid destroyed Atlantis. In the end, only time will tell whether Atlantis existed, but its mysteries remain enticing and fascinating even to this day.

Where Is The Sunken City of Atlantis?

In 1991, a group of divers explored the depths of the Atlantic Ocean off of Spain and Portugal. They claimed to find a massive submerged city. There were roads and buildings built out of stone all perfectly preserved underwater. The ruins were located off Madeira Island within a zone called “Lear’s Find.”

The divers said that the zone was named after B.B. Lear, who founded her own school for psychic research after she started getting messages from spirits as a young girl. She said that she had received a message about the ruins below the ocean. And that they were located near an island. No one believed her until she had financed her own expedition to find them. It was also written that another diver had discovered these ruins, which had gone missing soon after.

civilization at the bottom of the ocean

civilization at the bottom of the ocean

The group of divers that found it went down and explored for around 8 hours. They claimed to have witnessed some sort of lost civilization at the bottom of the ocean. That was consisting of buildings and roads made out of stones. The buildings were said to be made out of cutting granite blocks, resembling those on Easter Island (structures which some belief were built with Atlantians‘ help). The road they discovered was said to be made out of the same type of stone, and it even had its own type of street lighting.

When news spread around about their discovery, the Portuguese government tried to keep it quiet. The government actually took legal action against the divers, claiming that they had damaged archaeological artifacts while exploring this zone. For whatever reason, there was a sense of urgency among the Portuguese government and its people. They did not want this place to emerge into mainstream consciousness. This has led many people to believe there may be something more to this zone than meets the eye.
