There are number of countries in the world that have divided politically due to different reasons. This article will provide you more about the dividing of Ireland.
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Must Visit Frescoes In The World
Pamodhya Samarakoon
Frescoes from different countries and different eras reflect different painting techniques and legends. Let’s explore the best fresco paintings in the world.
The Building That Took Over 141 Years To Complete; Sagrada Família
Pamodhya Samarakoon
We have talked about many amazing structures through Review Oracle platform. Today we are going to explore a massive structure that is under construction for 141 years. Let’s find out what took it so long for ot to complete.
The World’s First Vaccination
Chamalka Walalawela
Nowadays Vaccination has taken a new phase. Scientists are inventing different kinds of vaccination methods. Today we are going to explore about the worlds first vaccination.
The Story of the Labor Day
Chamalka Walalawela
Labor day is celebrated all across the world. This article is about how it started and has evolved through the time.
What was the most brutal military tactic in history?
Chamalka Walalawela
All of the battles are brutal and heartless. Nonetheless, there have been notorious conflicts that have left a permanent mark on military history due to their great brutality and use of terrible methods. Also, there exist accounts of the violent ...
Must Visit Monasteries Around The World.
Pamodhya Samarakoon
We all love the peace and serenity we feel when we are in a monastery. The unique monasteries that are thousands of years old, holds a rich history. Here are the most unique and beautiful monasteries that you must pay ...
Seattle Tacoma International Airport
Pamodhya Samarakoon
Here comes the second article of our article series about airports. If you are a person who loves to travel, and if you have plans to visit the state of Washington, this will be a great article for you.
Humans are causing the extinction of numerous animal species worldwide.
Sammani Gunasekara
There are several extinctions that have been occurred in history This article is all about extinctions.
Most Powerful Kings Who Have Ever Ruled
Pamodhya Samarakoon
Being a king is not an easy task. It is not only about living in lavish palaces. To be a powerful king, a ruler must be a great warier, great leader and a person who can trat people well.
Hamad International Airport
Pamodhya Samarakoon
Every tourist who travels through the legendary corridors of Doha’s airport, a genuine shrine to air travel, is likely to remember it for a very long time.
South African Delicacies You Must Try
Pamodhya Samarakoon
Food culture is a must that you have to observe when you are visiting a foreign country. If you have plans to visit South Africa, their traditional cuisine is a major feature of their culture that you have to give ...
Most Expensive Classic Art pieces
Pamodhya Samarakoon
Collecting expensive art pieces is a popular hobby among tycoons. Most of these unique art pieces reflect religious aspects and portraits of wealthy men and women.
Must Visit Historical sites Around The World
Pamodhya Samarakoon
While some countries have short histories others hold thousands years of rich history with ancient ruins. Lots of these ruins are majestic and spectacular.
Most Beautiful Queens In Ancient History
Pamodhya Samarakoon
A queen is literary a woman living in a fairy tale. Residing in their royal palaces wearing their royal gowns and tiaras they dwell in luxury. Despite of all the privilege they have huge responsibilities to care of. Moreover, a ...
Craziest Laws Around The World.
Pamodhya Samarakoon
There are crazy rules in some countries around the world that can make you cringe.