Have you ever heard a about a comedian who became a president? Volodymyr Ivanovych Zelensky , the current president of Ukraine is one of the few of people who have follow that path.
Review Oracle Latest Articles
Rise and collapse of Soviet union
Chanuka Madhushan
The discussion about Soviet union has become the talk of the town due to the prevailing global political situation. What is Soviet union? How was it built? why did it collapse? Let’s explore A to Z.
Mouth Watering Sausage Bread recipe
Anuki Dissanayake
Hey Sausage lovers! today we are presenting your taste buds with a big treat. Lets try this secret recipe from fresh_fest and prepare some delicious homemade sausage bread.
Do Reptilian Aliens govern Humankind?
Pamodhya Samarakoon
Have you ever heard about the clandestine reptilian humanoid race that secretly ruling the world? Do you know that some humans did not evolve from apes? Do you know that the Rh blood factor has a relationship with reptilians?
What is NATO?
Chanuka Madhushan
NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization has become a major topic in politics. What is NATO? What do they do? Let’s explore!
Sri Lankan Brinjal Pickle/ Relish ( Batu Moju) Recipe
Anuki Dissanayake
Sri Lankan Brinjal pickle/ relish is a sweet side dish which can be prepared by following some easy steps. Here is the secret recipe.
Secrets of Bermuda Triangle
Chanuka Madhushan
Bermuda triangle has been the most mysterious place on earth. planes and ships go missing in this area, leaving a question mark at the end. What could be causing these paranormal incidents? Let’s find out.
Why is it Important to Switch off Mobile Devices when taking of a Flight
Chanuka Madhushan
Have you ever wondered why flight attendants ask you to switch off your mobile devices when taking off the plane? Let’s find out.
The secret creature hiding behind Mona Liza
Pamodhya Samarakoon
Have you ever heard about the secret creature hiding behind Da Vinci’s brush strokes in the famous painting Mona Liza? Do you know that Leonardo da Vinci has hidden a secret message in Mona Liza using the mirror technique?
How To Hire Employees In 2022 A Brief Guide For Startups
Chanuka Madhushan
Every employee plays a significant role in any company. Due to that it is very important to choose wisely when enrolling employees. Let’s explore on how to choose the right employee.
How to Hire a WordPress Development Company for Your Website Development
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Hiring a WordPress developer can feel like a huge undertaking, especially if you are just getting started with your new website. If you’re unsure of what questions to ask to find the right person for your project, here is a ...
15 Easy Tips for Effective Content Writing in 2022 – Beginners Must Read
Chanuka Madhushan
As a result of prevailing Covid situation and lockdowns people focus more on online job opportunities. Content writing is a good way to earn money online. review oracle has some tips for you if you are interested in content writing.
Milk and Rose Cupcakes
Anuki Dissanayake
Preparing cupcakes are not only become a trend but also an Art. imagine your house when it is full of the fragrance of baked cupcakes. This cupcake recipe will make every moment special.
What are the best early Morning habits you should do
Chanuka Madhushan
Who doesn’t like to start their day with a fresh mind and big smile. A good start can make everything better. Let’s see how to freshen up your day.
Chicken – Sweet Potato Curry
Anuki Dissanayake
Have you ever tried a curry with chicken and sweet potato mixed together? This can be eaten with rice, bread or Paratha. Lets try this new recipe!
Why is work from home effective?
Chanuka Madhushan
Covid 19 pandemic changed our lifestyle in massive ways. Most of the people started to work from home. let’s see went good and what turned bad when working from home.