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15 Easy Tips for Effective Content Writing in 2022 – Beginners Must Read

15 Easy Tips for Effective Content Writing in 2022 – Beginners Must Read

Content writing is a time-consuming, resource-intensive and complicated task. You need talent, intellect, and thousands of hours to come up with great content. As it can take days or even months to write just one article. Fortunately for you, there are certain easy tips for effective content writing that will make your work much easier in the long run. Let’s explore some of these essentials that help you produce content that attracts readership.

  1. Be Original:

Originality is the keystone of good content writing. Because it makes your work stand out from the rest, making people want to read what you have written and other things like it. Sadly, most writers fail to be original because they lack the talent needed for it. But if you have the ability, you should use it to your advantage by doing something different and interesting in every article that you write.

  1. Have a Hook:

Content writing is all about giving people something they want or need at that moment. And it’s your job as a writer to deliver that interestingly. So make sure all of your content has a hook – that initial pull, that thing that motivates people to read your work. It could be a funny line, an interesting fact, or anything that attracts their attention.

  1. Write for your audience:

The success of your writing lies in its ability to cater to the specific audience that you are targeting. If you have a vast readership base, this will make it a lot easier, but if not, you still need to find some way to connect with them on an emotional level. Do this by conducting research and learning about how they like to be treated as customers. Then use this knowledge to tailor your articles accordingly so they will respond to what you write.

Effective Content writing

Effective Content writing


It can be very tempting to try and finish an article as quickly as possible, especially if you are short on time. But this will result in a mediocre piece of writing. Instead, just take your time and rewrite it as many times as needed until you are satisfied with the result, no matter when that takes. It can be hard work, but nobody beats your talent or hard work.

  1. Keep it simple:

Remember that your writing should be as simple as possible, and clarity is essential for effective content writing. This is so because poor clarity can make it harder to understand what you’re trying to say, affecting your credibility. To solve the problem by avoiding unnecessary jargon and using simple language that everyone can understand.

Do not confuse your readers by using words they don’t know about or phrases they don’t understand. This will only make it harder for them to understand what you are trying to get across. Instead, break down complex concepts into simpler ones that everyone can understand.

  1. Scale Down:

When it comes to content writing, bigger is not always better. Because too much information will leave readers confused and lost as to what you’re trying to say. Always remember that less is more, so try and scale down whatever you’re writing about with a description of the content and its value. This way, you can cut out unnecessary details and focus on the information that your readers will find most important.

Effective Content writing

Effective Content writing


  1. Write like a journalist:

Journalists are usually good at writing because they have to write about what happens in the real world, and so do you as a content writer. So use the knowledge that you gained from researching your readers to write like a journalist, and you will not only be producing great content but also help yourself develop as an expert in a field of your choice. This will also help you stand out from the rest when potential employers see your work and want to interview you for a job.

  1. Edit your article a few times:

Do not trust your first draft, as you will end up writing a bad article that nobody wants to read. Instead, take some time and edit your work a few times until it has the right tone, style, and flow. It is written in a way that people will find fascinating. When you do this, your first draft becomes the final one.

  1. Use action words:

If you are writing about something that happens in the real world, then use action instead of passive words like happen, I mean, etc. This will make it more interesting and easy to digest, especially if you are writing about something that requires visual imagery like graphics. For example, instead of saying “I mean,” try saying “I mean,” which is better.

Effective Content writing

Effective Content writing

  1. Be careful with hyperbole:

Hyperbole is a fancy word for exaggeration, and while this may work in informal situations, it will kill your credibility as a writer if you use it too much in your content writing. So remember to keep self-restraint in check as you write.


  1. Avoid jargon

If you are writing about a particular topic, your content should be understandable to everyone who reads it. This will make it easier for you to sell your idea and get others interested in what you have to say. Do this by avoiding complicated words and phrases that only a few people will understand, like ‘XYZ company,’ ‘as above, below, etc. If someone doesn’t know what XYZ company is, tell them so instead of leaving it to figure out by themselves.


  1. Write in simple language:

The best way to write for the reader is to make it simple. Because people read articles for the purpose of gaining some knowledge. So try and write in a way that everyone can understand by avoiding technical jargon as much as possible. Instead, use plain language and simple language like calling something what it actually is like instead of referring to it as ‘third party,’ use or -s like “I see” or “I think,” etc. As long as you are clear, all your readers will need from you is all your readers.


  1. Deliver What Your Readers Want:

Your writing should be read because it offers value to your readers but not because it is impressive or complicated. Remember that your content should speak to the reader on a personal level and not the expert level that you are trying to convey to them.

Writing content like you are trying to be an expert is a bad idea because this will be stuffy and boring. Instead, it is always better to write like you are writing to a friend, which your readers want from you. Remember that the reader can sense when something is not written for them, so don’t make them feel left out by trying too hard.

Effective Content writing

Effective Content writing

  1. Do not take yourself too seriously:

It is important to give things in writing a sense of respect. But do not go overboard as this makes people think you are trying too hard. Instead, try and inject a sense of humor into your writing because this makes it more interesting and easier to digest. Just make sure you don’t take it too far, as this might make your content funny but not interesting enough to be read.


  1. Do not be afraid to fail:

To become a great content writer, you have to accept that there will be times when what you write is criticized or rejected. This can be because it is not right for the audience or the market. This will help you in the long run. Because you will learn from these mistakes. And they will set you apart from others who are still trying to get started in writing. So embrace failure because it will help make you and your articles better.


  1. Never give up:

If you ever want to be a great content writer, it is important to never give up. Because there will be times when things will not work out or when you do not have any idea on what to write. But the thing is that if you have passion, you will find ways of getting through this period. You will do it by doing research or reading other articles in order to get some inspiration. Great content writers are made by doing one thing repeatedly until they get it right, which takes time. This means that your own journey will take different shapes, but in the end, you will make it big.
