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The secret creature hiding behind Mona Liza

The secret creature hiding behind Mona Liza

Mona Liza is the most famous, most visited, and most written about painting that is hiding thousands of secrets. It is indeed a masterpiece created by Leonardo da Vinci which has been a major topic among conspiracy theorists. Mona Liza is a drawing that has been drawn on a 26″ 30″ white Lombardy poplar panel. There lies the question asked for centuries; “who is she?”. Many archeologists and scientists have tried to find the answer to this question for ages and have declared many statements about this beautiful lady. Today we are going to discuss the secret codes that have been concealed behind Leonardo da Vinci’s brush strokes in Mona Liza.

Leonardo Di Ser Piero da Vinci himself is a mysterious person. He was not only a skilled artist but also an engineer, a doctor, a scientist, a sculptor, an architect, and many more. Leonardo has been considered as a person who received messages from extraterrestrial encounters. Because of that many scientists and archeologists believe that there can be secrets hiding in Leonardo’s paintings.

Secret mirror writing technique

Leonardo is a person who was an expert in mirror writing. He has conducted many experiments regarding the reflection of light and the human eye. Mirror writing is a technique of writing something in the way it appears in reverse of the natural way of a language. It looks normal when it is reflected in a mirror. Leonardo used this technique in his diary. Because he believed that his life story don’t have to be famous among everyone. Terrence Mason who is a graphics designer from the Southeastern University of Boston has done a project on decoding Leonardo’s paintings.

He found a secret sign in most of the paintings done by Leonardo da Vinci. In most of the paintings, There is a sign of a finger pointing at something. Terrence Mason says that it shows the point that we have to turn the picture into a mirror reflection and merge it with the original. Let’s see what lies in the picture when it is decoded.

decoded Mona Liza

decoded Mona Liza


As you can see there is a sketch of a mysterious creature in this picture. Of course, at first glance, you might think that this is a coincidence. But if so, how do the other drawings of Leonardo da Vinci encompass the same sketch when decoded? Take the painting “The Virgin and the rocks” as an example. There also we can see the sign of a finger pointing at something. You can see the same creature which was in Mona Liza when decoded.

The mysterious creature

The mysterious creature who is hiding in his picture is similar to the appearance of an alien. Did he maintain Relationships with extraterrestrials? Why did he hide these in his paintings? Conspiracy Theorists say that Leonardo da Vinci had the access to higher dimensional beings. Moreover, he tried to hide the forbidden knowledge in his drawings for an intelligent civilization to decode.

The Virgin and the rocks decoded

The Virgin and the rocks decoded


Leonardo da Vinci has hidden many unidentified sketches in his drawings using this technique.

The bridge and The eye

In the painting Mona Liza, we can see a bridge. Researchers say that there is a sentence written by Leonardo da Vinci. It says “The answer lies here”. What is Leonardo da Vinci trying to tell us from this painting? Furthermore, they say that there is the short signature of Leonardo da Vinci in Mona Liza’s eye. There are the letters L and V hidden in her eye. And those handwritings are hundred percent similar to the ones in his diary.

mysterious creature hiding in paintings

mysterious creature hiding in paintings

Who is She?

The most asked question about Mona Liza is ” Who is She?”. There are several hypotheses stated by researchers to answer this question.

01) Liza Gherardini

According to some archeologists, this is a drawing of an Italian Noblewoman Lisa Gherardini. She was the wife of Francesco dei Glocondo who was a famous businessman who used to sell cotton. Lisa Gherardini was considered the most beautiful woman in Florence. Her husband wanted to show her beauty to the world. Moreover, Gherardini asked da Vinci to draw her wife. 

The problem is there is no record in Gheredini’s accounts or da Vinci’s accounts saying that Gheradini paid for such a picture or da Vinci received money for such a picture.

02) A Pregnant woman

As The lady in the drawing Mona Liza is wearing a gown that was worn by the pregnant woman in the era, some archeologists say that she is a pregnant woman.

03) Da Vinci’s favorite apprentice

According to the History Da Vinci is a person who preferred Homosexual affairs. He has had a closer affair with one of his students named “Salai”. And he has drawn Salai in a female shape. Furthermore, this is the reason that some archeologists say that Mona Liza is not a Lady.

Mona Liza and da Vinci

Mona Liza and da Vinci

04) A Prostitute

In the Medieval era, only prostitutes used to let their hair loose. Other women used to tie their hair. This is why some people say that Mona Liza is a prostitute. Moreover, prostitutes shaved all their eye brows in that era and Mona Liza appears the same.

05) Leonardo da Vinci

Due to the fact that  Leonardo used to be a mysterious and odd person some say that he has drawn himself appearing as a lady. But all of these concepts are still hypotheses. Plus it is not the real question that the drawing is bearing.

Why did Leonardo never give the painting to Gherardini’s family? What did he try to hide in this mysterious art? Why did he leave this unfinished for some time and spent 16 years to complete this? Did he use the mirror technique to hide information about higher dimensional beings? Who is the creature hiding behind Mona Liza? All the questions remain the same.
