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Wonderful Mythical Creatures that are No more. 

Wonderful Mythical Creatures that are No more. 

From the womb to the tomb, all the folk who belong to different age groups, cultures, and social statuses,  love to read, listen, and tell stories. Among these stories, tales woven around mythical identities became more outstanding. So, from this piece of writing, we are going to point to the mythical creatures and their stories loved by young and old, all over the world. 

Before the details of mythical creatures, let’s dig out a bit about their background. All of these mythical creatures were born in folklore and belong to different cultures, nationalities, and religions. Moreover. each mythical character carries a reflection of the appearance, clothing or outfit, behaviors, desires,  preferences, and philosophy unique to each culture. 

A deep study of mythical characters reveals to us the nature of particular creatures innocence, cruelty,  generosity, humility, loyalty, consciousness, compassion, intelligence, optimism, enthusiasm, courage,  leadership, and confidence possessed by each character. Unlike today, in early eras, folklore was mainly  

focused on educating people on the dos and don’ts that affect their whole life, especially children. A  huge idea was conveyed to the children through the goodness or the evilness of each character. 

  1. Golems 

The mythical characters of Golems can be picked up from Jewish folklore. A golem is given life to fulfill some service by someone and its body is created with inanimate substances such as dust, mud, or clay and a series of Hebrew letters. Whoever the creator, should be careful in creating Golems as they are  

very obedient helpers, a rescuer, and ready to obey any command good or evil, given by their owner. As the legends reveal, Golems are created to protect against antisemitic incursions. 

Golems; Wonderful Mythical Creatures that are No more. 

Golems; Wonderful Mythical Creatures that are No More.

  1. Oni 

According to Japanese beliefs, people who are extremely wicked in their lives would become demons and the traditional inhabitants of hell. If wickedness is too powerful this transformation occurs when they are in life. These giant Onis appear with scary red or blue skin, dreadful horns, and tusks and eat evil humans who go to hell. Onis are famous in folktales due to their fierce and evil aspects and tendency to murder.  



  1. Cyclops 

Cyclops as it named defined mostly appears with one circular eye in Greek-Roman mythologies. Three types of cyclops can be seen in legends, Brontes, Steropes, and Arges, the symbols of bright, thunder, and lightning, sons of Uranus and Gaea, and brothers of Zeus. Also, they have created many components of mythologies such as Zeus’ thunderbolts. 

Cyclops ; Wonderful Mythical Creatures that are No more. 


  1. Ogre 

Famous creatures in legends, folktales, and even on television nowadays. These man-like hideous monsters originated in French folklore and derived from the god Orcus who eats humans, especially infants and children. They are giants and have a huge appetite. Ogres are known as neutral unless they get hungry and become violent.



  1. Leprechauns 

Leprechauns became popular in Irish folklore during the 13th century, in the medieval era. Being tiny body-sized and non-significant fairy form and isolated creatures, leprechauns are better at in engaging mischievous behaviors! They usually wear a green leather apron and a cocked hat and engage in making shoes and brogues. Being sneaky in behavior, you won’t be able to take your eyes off him or he will disappear! Also, leprechauns have been recognized as tricky creatures who could deceive you at any moment. 

Leprechauns ; Wonderful Mythical Creatures that are No more. 


  1. Gnome 

The gnome, the mythological creature originated in European folklore. Also, he was introduced to the literature as a mythical character in the 16th century by Paracelsus. Genome is a little earth dweller and a pleased gardener surrounded by flora and fauna who treasures some underground fortune. Moreover, according to the myths, He is an old man with a hunched-over back and a symbol of good luck and good charms. However,  the genome has done a great revolution in world fantasy literature. 




  1. Goblins 

The legend of Goblins was created and exists in Germanic, Scottish, Irish, and British folklore and was another revolutionary sector in World literature that conveys evilness and mischief. These mythological creatures are varied in appearance and behavior according to the context of the story. In addition to being the symbols of greed and venomous behaviors, goblins are famous among world folks for their troublemaking nature.  

Goblins ; Wonderful Mythical Creatures that are No more. 


  1. Fairies  

fairies are a mythical concept, loved by Young and old, all over the world. Kids possess an era in their lives that is tightly bound with fairy tales. These remarkable fairies also termes as fey or fae were first born in old French medieval literature. Fairies are creatures or spirits with supernatural powers who pump views on good or evilness to the souls of youngsters. We can see a huge variety of fairies,  winged, wingless, male, and female with a charming variety of patterns and soothing colors which pours bliss into the kids’ hearts. 



  1. Gorgons 

The legend of Gorgons was initially created in ancient Greece. All of you may have read the terrifying legend of Medusa and the three sisters, a terrifying legend written down in Greek literature. Gorgons can be defined as the same type of underworld mythical creatures who are blends of beauty and danger! These are vicious ones have snakes instead of hair and powerful enough to turn a victim into a  rock with a single glance!

Gorgons ; Wonderful Mythical Creatures that are No more. 

Gorgons; Wonderful Mythical Creatures that are No more.

  1. Mermaids  

Myths on half-human and half-fish creatures have originated in ancient Babylonia and Syrian and Greek mythologies provide more information about the mythical creature mermaids. Especially, people consider mermaids as symbols of goodness and innocence but there are a few situations where they become more sinister, foretelling disastrous situations.



  1. Werewolves  

Have you ever heard of a man who could shift his human body to the body of a wolf on a full moon day?  Germanic and Greek mythologies give us clues on such werewolves or lycanthropes. The lore woven around werewolves is very popular today, especially among kids of its wonderfulness. A bit denies the full moon but the combination of full moon nights and werewolves is the most outstanding fact among folklore lovers.



  1. Dragons 

Dragons are attractive legendary creatures and famous magical creatures amidst folklore in many countries and cultures all over the world. Dragons were first uncovered in Sumerian folklore. Also, godmother  Tiamat who could turn herself into a horned and winged serpent was the benefactor of dragons. It was also considered a belief incorporated with religions in some Western countries such as India, China, and  Egypt since the Middle eras. 

Dragons ; Wonderful Mythical Creatures that are No more. 


The organizational structure of dragons was mainly depicted as horned and winged creatures who are cruel and harsh in temper! As an oddity, dragons possessed the ability to fire breathing. 

  1. Unicorn 

The unicorn is another impressive mythical character, especially among younger generations. A horse-like body with white fur and an elegant pointed, spiraling horn projecting forward from the forehead is the specialty of this legendary creature. Moreover, the myths about unicorns could be mainly found in Asia and fables in  Celtic.




Unicorns are a symbol of purity, power as well and innocence. Using his magical powers, the unicorn can heal sicknesses, formulate poisoned water drinkable, and play many more magical charms! 

  1. Pegasus 

Pegasus is a mythical creature, who has a coloration of a winged horse. Enthusiasts believe that he is a  true symbol of gentleness, goodheartedness, and helpfulness. 

Pegasus; Wonderful Mythical Creatures that are No more. 


Also, Pegasus is frequently depicted in pure white color as a symbol of his divine qualities. Tales of this divine constellation are most mentioned in Greek mythology. Further, for his service and loyalty, he was honored by God Zeus with immortality, and folklore utters. 

  1. Manticore 

Manticore is another mythical creature frequently found in Persian folklore. The legendary manticore is similar to the sphinx that comes in European legends. 



Manticore’s body consists of a human head and a lion’s body. The tail consists of venomous spines.  Moreover, Manticore was recognized as a symbol of evil, cunning, and ruthless creatures among other mythological creatures. Manticore invaded the film industry through the film Harry Potter.
