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Why did Korea split into South Korea and North Korea?

Why did Korea split into South Korea and North Korea?

In South East Asia, the Korean peninsula is located, which is divided into two states as South Korea and North Korea. The two countries share two different political ideologies and their socio, political and economic situations are at two different levels.

The Japanese Invasion of Korea

Korea was a unified, independent, and imperial state under dynasties such as ‘Josean and Gorveo’ until Japan’s invasion in 1910. Japanese rulership imposed their culture on Koreans. It was prohibited to teach Korean history and language at schools. The documents indicative of Korean history were set on fire. Koreans had to switch to the Japanese language. Also, they had to change their names to Japanese names. This authoritative and hostile rule continued for 35 years until Japan surrendered in world war II in 1945. Yet Korea’s aspirations to be a free nation were not materialized owing to the world powers’ involvement in Korea.

Why did Korea split into South Korea and North Korea?

The 38th Parallel

When Japan was about to surrender, the USSR soldiers arrived in Korea and vanquished Japanese troops. The USA couldn’t make advances to Korea on time, as Japan fell before they expected. The USA feared a complete takeover of Korea by the USSR. Therefore, the USA took necessary steps to divide Korea temporarily between the USSR and the USA. The USA officials decided that the thirty-eighth parallel be the demarcation mark as it was a circle of latitude. The USA wanted to ensure that Seoul was on their side. As the USSR agreed to the suggestion, USSR took the control of North Korea and the USA controlled South Korea. It was decided to unite Korea under a new government later.

The 38th Parallel

The 38th Parallel


Two different political ideologies were ingrained in South Korean and North Korean societies with the influence of the capitalistic United States and the communist USSR. 

In 1947 the United Nations’ planned elections to unify Korea didn’t work out due to the lack of trust and different Ideologies. Besides, the Soviets obstructed elections as they wanted the communist leader Kim II Sung as the head of North Korea. The US supported Syngman Rhee and wanted him as the head of South Korea.

Yet both leaders were in the opinion that these countries should be united. It was an almost impossible task as the two regions were based on two opposite and conflicting ideologies. 

Withdrawal of the USA and the USSR

After one year both the USA and the USSR pulled out their armies from Korea as per the UN agreement. Still, the respective countries’ presence was highly visible in the form of advisors and diplomats.

Why did Korea split into South Korea and North Korea?

Withdrawal of the USA and the USSR

The Start of war between North Korea and South Korea

Constant fighting took place on the 38th parallel which was the dividing line, between the two newly formed regions, but they were not formal attacks.

On 25th June 1950, North Korea began an offensive against South Korea with the intent of uniting the peninsula under communist rule. They were backed by the USSR. 

The UN intervened immediately urged by the USA to adopt a resolution called ‘Resolution 83′. United Nations’ armies were comprised of fifteen nations. The majority of the army was from the USA. Further, the United States gave its support with land, air, and sea forces, which reinforced South Korea.  At first, the upper hand of the war was with North Korea, it changed with the intervention of the USA. The South Korean and US forces advanced till the North Korea’s border with China.

The Start of war between North <yoastmark class=


China’s involvement

China too began to involve in the warfare in support of North Korea. In November and December of 1951, China started a hefty assault against South Korean and American forces. 

The war turned into a battle of attrition in which each side tried to weaken the other side by killing as many as soldiers possible.

China's involvement; Why did Korea split into South Korea and North Korea?

China’s involvement

The USA’s Internal Politics

In the USA, presidential election was held in 1952. Dwight D. Eisenhower was the Republican candidate. He was strongly critical of Harry S. Truman who took decisions on war as president, serving America from 1945 to 1953. Eisenhower won the presidential elections. As one of his election promises, he made a trip to South Korea after his victory. Then, the peace talks that had begun in July 1951 were at an impasse. He was determined to see progress in peace talks and put an end to the stalemate. His public speeches implied that he was willing to use the nuclear arsenal to end stagnant peace talks in Korea. In order to lower the morale of Chinese troops he encouraged the Nationalist Chinese government of Taiwan to carry out air raids on mainland China.

Also, he compelled South Korean leadership to curtail some of the demands, so the peace process can be accelerated.

The Armistice

The Armistice

The Armistice

 Eventually, in 1953 both parties agreed to peace negotiations which ended the bloodshed. Accordingly, a committee was set up comprising representatives from neutral countries. They were given the task of deciding on thousands of prisoners from both parties. They decided to allow prisoners of war to return to their hometowns, or if they wanted they could stay where they were. A border was drawn anew, and as a result, South Korea gained some additional territory. It is not known whether Eisenhower’s warnings on using nuclear arsenal accommodated the peace talks.  


This armistice resulted in a ‘Demilitarized zone’ with the ‘thirty-eighth parallel’ being a heavily guarded border from both sides.  And Korea remains divided by this ‘Korean Demilitarized Zone’ up to the present day.



Consequences of War

Millions of Koreans and Chinese lost their lives due to the Korean war. And about 40,000 Americans too were deprived of their lives.

Drawback of Americans

However, the usual comportment of Americans was not seen in this Korean War. Because normally, they would win a war with the unconditional surrender of the opposition. And many couldn’t fathom why they didn’t use nuclear arsenal and expand the war into China. But such actions would have led to world war III.

Drawback of Americans

Drawback of Americans

Reunion of Families

At present, the youngsters identify themselves as South Koreans and North Koreans. Yet Korea had been a unified country for centuries. So, the division had been a heart rendering incident. Koreans were intact through language, and culture for centuries and they had relations with whom they shared a close bond. How ever, with the geographical division, a unified nation was separated into two different nations with different political ideologies, but they were connected through bond, and culture. There was a reunion for separated Korean families in February 2014. The pain of separated families who experienced the division first-hand is well reflected in the photos.

Reunion of Families

Reunion of Families

Korea at present

Today South and North Korea stand at two different ends despite their history of thousands of years as a unified nation. Korean War or the attempts by superpowers could not materialize their aspirations to reunite Korea. Throughout the seven decades, the Korean border remains a heavily guarded demilitarized zone. South Korea is highly developed with a trillion-dollar economy. North Korea is poor and its citizens depend on the aid they get. And North part is ruled by an authoritarian ruler who disregards human rights. So North and South Korea are different in terms of human rights, law and order, economy, society, and daily life.

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