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Home/LondonReview Oracle Latest Articles
The First Bridge to Cross the River Thames: The London Bridge
Pamodhya Samarakoon
London bridge is the first bridge built in London connecting banks of the river Thames. Today we are exploring about the London Bridge. There has been a bridge across the Thames for roughly 2,000 years in London. The Romans constructed ...
World’s Largest Vehicle Insurance Companies
Chanuka Madhushan
Nobody likes having to deal with the hassle of accidents and collisions. Thankfully, there are a number of different insurance companies that can help you with the process.
Jimmy The Terrorist by Omair Ahmad
Review Oracle
Jimmy, the terrorist is an award-winning novel written by an Indian author called Omair Ahamad. The story flows around a young man who lives in India.
Last night in Soho Movie Review
Review Oracle
The movie Last night in Soho is a British psychological horror film directed and co-written by Edgar Wright. Are you a fan of Horror films? then this article is for you.