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New inventions and concepts emerged with Covid-19

New inventions and concepts emerged with Covid-19

New clothes, new smartphones, new food recipes that are released as fresh inventions are something very common in our lives. We even face new experiences every day. And we collect new memories every time. The word “new has a very unique power and we all love it. But novel things are always not good things. For instance, new viruses!

But every dark cloud has a silver lining. Due to covid-19 people were stuck at their homes due to lockdowns. And they start to look at things from different angles. And they came up with new inventions. These inventions are not related only to medical fields but also to other fields as well.

People became more concerned and kind to each other. And they started to pay attention to nature and willingly volunteered to help each other. They even came up with concepts. So there are some amazing novel inventions and concepts that companies have tried out.

Hygiene smart bands

Smart bands are very common in society. But hygiene smart bands are something innovative. This was designed by the company Slightly Robot. When you touch your face while wearing the band, it will immediately make a noise. This way you can avoid touch your nose and mouth and keep yourself safe from covid-19.

Hygiene smart bands


Medicine is essential for all of us when we are sick. And we cannot take any medicine without the assistance of a doctor. Due to the coronavirus, we cannot visit our doctors. These days almost every country is using this concept. Doctors consult the patients over the phone or by using different apps. Even the payments are made using the phone.


Bumper tables

This funny invention is invented in a restaurant in Maryland. This was to help their customers to maintain the six feet distance. It is a tube with wheels and the customers can enjoy the drinks at the bar while maintaining the distance. This is a different, novel and fun experience.

Bumper tables

Covid emergency ventilator

This is made by Dr Thomas in Carmarthen. This can help patients with breathing problems. It can also clean the room by destroying the virus particles. This is a simple machine and it is very easy to use. It is a self-care machine.

Covid emergency ventilator

PPE vending machine

Personal protective equipment such as face masks and sanitisers have become essential items in our lives. And Selecta a vending machine company has invented the vending machine that issues hand sanitisers and facemasks.  The first locations of these machines are the Zurich airport and Brussels train stations. Instead of getting a bag of chips you can insert cash and get a mask.

PPE vending machine

People are having a very hard time due to the pandemic. But these cool inventions can make it easier and add some colours to our lives.

