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Mouth on Fire? Ways to Get Rid of Burning Mouth

Mouth on Fire? Ways to Get Rid of Burning Mouth

Due to their distinct flaming flavor, chili peppers are a widely used ingredient in many different cuisines throughout the world. A burning feeling in the mouth and throat might, however, result from eating too many or too hot chilies. If you’ve eaten chili and are experiencing discomfort, there are several steps you can take to decrease the burning sensation and alleviate the discomfort. In this article, we will discuss what to do after eating chili and how to reduce the burning sensation of chilies.

Drink Milk or Dairy Products

One of the most effective ways to alleviate the burning sensation of chili is to drink milk. Also, you can consume other dairy products. The reason behind this is that milk contains casein, a protein that can bind to capsaicin, the compound responsible for the spiciness of chili, and neutralize it. This is why many people suggest drinking milk after eating spicy foods to reduce the burning sensation.

Mouth on Fire? Ways to Get Rid of Burning Mouth; Drink Milk or Dairy Products

Drink Milk or Dairy Products

To relieve your tongue and throat, you can also eat other dairy products like yogurt or ice cream. These products can also help in reducing the heat and burning sensation caused by chili peppers.

Eat Starchy Foods

Starchy foods like bread, rice, or potatoes can help in reducing the burning sensation of chili peppers. These foods help in absorbing capsaicin and neutralizing the heat caused by it. Eating a piece of bread or a serving of rice or potatoes can help in calming the burning sensation in your mouth and throat.

Eat Starchy Foods

Eat Starchy Foods

Consume Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits like lemons, limes, or oranges are acidic, and their acidity can help in neutralizing the spiciness of chili peppers. Eating a slice of lemon or lime or drinking citrus juices can help in reducing the heat and burning sensation in your mouth and throat.

Mouth on Fire? Ways to Get Rid of Burning Mouth; Consume Citrus Fruits

Consume Citrus Fruits

Drink Water

Drinking water can help in reducing the burning sensation caused by chili peppers, but it is not as effective as consuming dairy products or starchy foods. Water can help in washing away the capsaicin from your mouth and throat, but it can also spread the capsaicin around, causing more discomfort. Drinking water is still beneficial, but it is best to combine it with other remedies.

Drink Water

Drink Water


Avoid Spicy Foods

If you are experiencing discomfort after eating chili peppers, it is best to avoid consuming other spicy foods. Consuming more spicy foods can exacerbate the burning sensation and prolong the discomfort.

Mouth on Fire? Ways to Get Rid of Burning Mouth; Avoid Spicy Foods

Avoid Spicy Foods

Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine

Caffeine and alcohol can make chili peppers’ burning sensation worse. Additionally, these might dry out your mouth, exacerbating the irritation. It is best to avoid consuming alcohol and caffeine after eating chili peppers.

Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine

Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine

Try Over-the-Counter Medications

If you are experiencing significant discomfort after eating chili peppers, you can try over-the-counter medications like antacids, which can help in neutralizing the acid in your stomach and reducing the burning sensation. You can also try pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen, which can help in reducing inflammation and pain.

Mouth on Fire? Ways to Get Rid of Burning Mouth; Try Over-the-Counter Medications

Try Over-the-Counter Medications

Wait it Out

In most cases, the burning sensation caused by chili peppers will subside on its own after a few minutes or hours. It is best to wait it out and let your body naturally recover from the discomfort. You can use the remedies mentioned above to alleviate the discomfort, but it is still essential to give your body time to recover.

In conclusion, eating chili peppers can cause a burning sensation in your mouth and throat. But there are several steps you can take to reduce the discomfort. Drinking milk or consuming other dairy products, eating starchy foods, consuming citrus fruits, and drinking water can all help in reducing the heat and burning sensation of chili peppers. It is best to avoid consuming other spicy foods, alcohol, and caffeine

Advantages of spicy food

Spicy food has been a popular ingredient in cuisines worldwide, known for its distinctive taste and unique flavor. However, many people are hesitant to consume spicy food due to its heat and burning sensation. Despite this, there are several advantages to eating spicy food, from improving your health to enhancing your mood. In this article, we will discuss the advantages of eating spicy food.

Weight Loss

Suppressing appetite and increasing metabolism are two ways that spicy food might aid with weight reduction. The chemical in chili peppers that gives them their heat, capsaicin, can raise body temperature, which in turn speeds up metabolism. This rise in metabolic rate can help people burn more calories, which can help them lose weight.

Advantages of spicy food

Advantages of spicy food

Spicy food can also aid in appetite control by prolonging your feeling of fullness. You are less likely to overeat if the meal is spicy. Because it can cause the release of hormones that can decrease appetite and improve satiety.

Improved Heart Health

Consuming spicy food helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure, which is good for the heart. By enhancing blood flow and decreasing inflammation, capsaicin can assist in lowering blood pressure. Moreover, by boosting the synthesis of enzymes that break down lipids, it can aid in lowering cholesterol levels.

By enhancing blood vessel function and lowering the danger of blood clots, spicy food can also aid in lowering the risk of heart disease.

Pain Relief

Spicy food can provide pain relief by reducing inflammation and stimulating the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers. By preventing the synthesis of inflammatory substances, capsaicin can aid in the reduction of inflammation. Additionally, it can trigger the release of endorphins, which lessens pain.

For illnesses including arthritis, migraines, and neuropathic pain, spicy food can be very helpful in reducing discomfort.

Improved Digestion

By boosting the synthesis of digestive enzymes and enhancing intestinal motility, spicy food can enhance digestion. Better food digestion can result from the stimulation of digestive enzyme synthesis by capsaicin. Additionally, it can enhance gut motility by enhancing intestinal contractions, which results in more effective bowel motions.

Mouth on Fire? Ways to Get Rid of Burning Mouth; Advantages of spicy food

Advantages of spicy food

By eliminating dangerous bacteria in the stomach and lowering acid production, spicy food can also help lower the incidence of stomach ulcers.

Enhanced Mood

Eating spicy food can enhance mood by stimulating the release of endorphins and dopamine, leading to a feeling of happiness and pleasure. Capsaicin can stimulate the release of endorphins, which can reduce stress and anxiety and improve mood.

Spicy food can also help in reducing the risk of depression by reducing inflammation and improving gut health, which can improve the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine.

disadvantages of eating spicy food

Even though many people prefer spicy food, there are certain drawbacks to consuming it that should be taken into account. The following are some of the primary negative effects of eating spicy food:

Digestion Problems.
Consuming spicy food can aggravate the lining of the stomach and intestines, resulting in heartburn, indigestion, and even diarrhea. Spicy foods might exacerbate these symptoms if you already have a sensitive stomach.

Eating spicy food can make you sweat, and if you don’t drink enough water, dehydration might result.
This can be especially problematic if you’re eating spicy food in a hot climate or while engaging in physical activity.

disadvantages of eating spicy food

disadvantages of eating spicy food

Mouth and Throat Irritation.
Eating spicy food can cause a burning sensation in the mouth and throat, which can be uncomfortable or even painful for some people. This can also lead to soreness or inflammation of the mouth and throat.

Skin Irritation
If you handle spicy peppers or touch your face after eating spicy food, you may experience skin irritation or even a rash. This is because capsaicin, the active ingredient in spicy peppers, can irritate the skin.

Sleep Disturbances
Eating spicy food before bed can disrupt your sleep by causing heartburn or indigestion, making it harder to fall asleep or stay asleep.

Overall, spicy food can be enjoyed in moderation. It’s important to be aware of the potential disadvantages it can have on your digestive system, hydration levels, mouth and throat, skin, and sleep. It’s recommended to avoid spicy food entirely or consume it in moderation if you’re sensitive to it.
