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Do Reptilian Aliens govern Humankind?

Do Reptilian Aliens govern Humankind?

The Reptilian conspiracy has been the talk of the town for several years. Many conspiracy theorists and archeologists have declared many concepts about these clandestine reptilian humanoid races. Some people state that they are ruling the world by disguising themselves as humans. Reptilians direct many executive chairs in the world such as politicians, actors, and news reporters. They depend on human blood and the dark thoughts of humans. I must be clear that this is only a conspiracy theory. Let’s dive into the evidence of this.

Origination of Reptilians

In 1982 an American-Canadian geologist and paleontologist who were investigating Fossils Mr. Dale Russel launched a research article about a human who evolved from a dinosaur. He considered the skeleton of a Troodon Dinosaur which was the most intelligent dinosaur of all time. He made a hypothetical skeleton of a reptile human considering what will happen if Troodon evolves into a Human. This creature is the one we call Dinosauroid, Semi Humanoid, Semi Reptilianoid, or Reptoid. When we look at this concept scientifically, it seems correct as we humans also did evolve from a reptile who came to land from the sea.

Some say that these reptiles are descending from aliens who came to earth from the Draconis binary star system. They have reptilian skin with scales on the skin. But they can shapeshift and appear as humans. Moreover, they have a super-intelligent brain that can rule humans without them knowing it.

According to the Author David Lake, there are two kinds of reptilians.

01) Full-blooded reptilians

02) Crossbred reptilians

Dale Russel reptilian theory

Dale Russel reptilian theory


They are different in the breed and they have different duties on earth.

Full-blooded reptilians

Full-blooded reptilians are purebred by the reptilians. They can’t shapeshift and turn into humans like crossbred. But they use a different technique to appear as humans. They twist humans’ minds and make specific differences in human brains to see them as humans. Furthermore, they have wings and they lead the crossbred humanoids.

Crossbred reptilians

Cross-blooded reptilians have reptilian genes as well as human genes.

They have no wings but a sharp intelligence. They can shapeshift into human forms. Moreover, they play the roles of scientists and soldiers in society. They conduct many intense types of scientific researches and experiments in society. As an example, some say these humanoids are conducting time-traveling experiments in area 51.

The bomber’s reveal

Another irresistible piece of evidence to prove the reptilian conspiracy is the documents of an American Christmas bomber Anthony Warner. After the bombing, his friend received a parcel with 2 Samsung pen drives and some written documents.  That parcel was posted two days ago from the bombing.

The letter said something extremely mysterious.  Some excerpts from the letter say this.

“Hey, dude! You will never believe what I found in the park. The knowledge I have gained is immeasurable. I now understand everything, I mean everything. From what we are to what universe is.”

Furthermore, he says that reptilians are ruling the world.

“They also put a switch into the human brain, so they could walk among us and appear as humans.” He argues that reptilians put chemicals in our brains through food. Those chemicals can malfunction our brains and lower our thinking power.

American Christmas bomber Anthony Warner

American Christmas bomber Anthony Warner


Also, he says “The moon landing and 911 have so many anomalies in them, that they are hard to count” This mysterious letter and the pen drives were taken into custody by the FBI. And after that, those were never to be seen or heard.  Why did they hide that information from the public? Why did Anthony blast a bomb after he found all this information? Did someone force him to do that in order to keep the immeasurable knowledge he gained, a secret?

Reptile in Bible.

In the sacred bible, they have mentioned a lizard or a snake that motivates people to sin. This is included in the chapter “Fall of Man”.  According to the bible, this snake is the one who persuaded eve to eat the fruit from the forbidden tree. As we can see in the holy bible snake refers to “sin”, “impurity”, and “devil”.

According to conspiracy theorists, this is a trace of reptilians. We also say that they grow with the dark thoughts of humans. They are the ones who bend us towards sins. They are the ones who commence wars. In other words, they are the Devils.

Ancient Gods

In ancient civilizations, people have worshiped and believed in a reptilian god in many religions. Some say that reptilians came from an alien planet and helped humans with technology and became their rulers and gods. In Mesopotamian civilization, there is evidence that they have worshiped a reptilian god. Archeologists have discovered a statue of a human reptile hybrid who is taking care of a human child. Moreover, in Hindu culture, there is a half reptile god. In ancient Egyptian culture, they also have believed in a god named “Sebek” who is half reptilian.

Not only that, in Chinese culture Dragon plays a major part in almost every ceremony. The mysterious fact is that the dragon also has a similar appearance to a reptilian.
Why all these ancient cultures have indicated reptiles among their gods?

Ancient reptilian Gods

Ancient reptilian Gods

Who are they?

According to conspiracy theorists, reptilians are ruling us sitting behind politicians and celebrities. They appear as humans to interfere with humans. They become celebrities or most of the celebrities are possessed by them because in that way they can control a larger number of humans.

But today we are choosing our presidents through elections. So how could reptilians maintain their place on the political stage? Actually, most the presidents are distant relations. Take US presidents as an example.

Barack Obama is a distant cousin of Gerald, Bushes, Lyndon B. Johnson, Harry Truman, James Madison, and Winston Churchill.
Franklin Roosevelt is a distant cousin of 11 other US presidents. Such as Madison, both Adamses, Van Burren, Harrison, Taylor, Grant, Taft.
Moreover, his wife Eleanor is his fifth cousin.
And also Hillary Clinton and Trump are related.
This way ancient reptilian blood is secretly infiltrating and controlling our government.

How to identify a reptilian?

Reptilian humans have low blood pressure, sometimes we can see scales on their skin they have different eyes. But the question is has anyone seen anyone like this? The answer is yes. Even though reptilians can turn into human shapes, there are instances when they can’t control their appearance. As most of the reptilians are celebrities glitches in their appearance has caught on camera several times. I’ll leave a link below to watch those videos.

Video 1

Video 2



Rh factor

Rh factor is a protein in human blood cells. If you are Rh- you do not have this protein in your blood cells. Scientists assume that Rh- blood type is descending from reptiles. During pregnancy, problems can occur if you are Rh-negative and your fetus is Rh-positive. This is also a fact to identify a reptilian.

The big question that is popping out now is ” if they are so intelligent why aren’t they destroying us ?” The answer is they won’t ever destroy us and they can’t destroy us. Because they depend on us. They depend on human blood and dark thoughts.

All of these facts prove that we are slaves of the clandestine reptilian humanoid race. But this theory remains a conspiracy and they will never reveal themselves as humans.
