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Dark Chocolate Snacks for your Sweet Tooth

Dark Chocolate Snacks for your Sweet Tooth

Chocolate is something that we always love. Even when we were kids when someone asks what we want we would simply say “a chocolate”. According to findings, 9 out of 10 people love chocolate and 50% of the world population consumes chocolate every day.

If you want to try out the world’s best chocolates then you better visit Switzerland. And the Tuecher chocolate can give you a divine taste and you can eat and eat and eat and you will never feel enough. Trying out a box of chocolate with different flavours is always the best remedy for your tension.

Chocolate slab

And also chocolates are recommended for many scenarios. When you feel dizzy, when you are studying, to decorate your food table at a party, to gift to your loved one just grab a box of chocolate.

The fan base for dark chocolate is quite smaller than the fan base for milk chocolate. But dark chocolate has so many benefits that can keep you healthy and happy. And if you find it hard to eat dark chocolate slabs then try out a snack that contains dark chocolates.

And here are some amazing dark chocolaty snacks that you can try out you indulge your sweet cravings

Dark Chocolate Cupcakes

People hardly say no to a cupcake. And no one would refuse a chocolate cupcake. So just to make it healthier, add dark chocolate instead of adding milk chocolate. And just to make it more beautiful you can add sprinkles or grated chocolate to the top.

Dark Chocolate Cupcakes

Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies

Cookies are something very common snack that you use when you are studying. A hot glass of milk and some cookies and leverage your energy level. Try out dark chocolate chip cookies for a change. The only difference is you will be using dark chocolate chips. To make it tastier add some small pieces of chocolate chunks to the batter.

Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies

Hot chocolate

A cup of steaming hot chocolate is ideal when it is pouring rain. Grab a blanket and your favourite book and go by the window. Add some whipping cream and marshmallows to the top and add some flavours.

Hot chocolate

Dark Chocolate Brownies

Brownies are very common during Christmas. A chewy and delicious brownie can take our breaths away. And not only for Christmas, you can also have a brownie when you are studying. And if it is a dark chocolate brownie then you can get more nutrition as well.

Dark Chocolate Brownies

Peanut Butter Chocolate bites

Peanut butter sandwich is a very common item in our breakfast dish. And tiny peanut butter chocolate bites are a great snack to have on an exhausting evening. The roasted nuts and chopped dark chocolate is a perfect blend indeed!

Peanut Butter Chocolate bites

Chocolate Shortbread

If you are not a cookie fan then you can always go for shortbread. And dark chocolate shortbread can indulge your taste buds and fix your mood.

Chocolate Shortbread

Dark Chocolate Almond bars

Just imagine the sweet taste of almonds and chocolate combinations. A dark chocolate almond bar bite can give you that taste. This crunchy snack is a wonderful snack for you to have when you need something small to eat.

Dark Chocolate Almond bars

Choco Pie

This is one of my favourites. The chocolate-covered spongy pies can make your mouth water when you think about it. It is a perfect dessert as well.

Choco Pie

Almond stuffed Chocolate covered Cherries

We know chocolate-dipped strawberries. How about a chocolate-dipped cherry for a change? And how will it be when you can taste a milky almond as well. It’s easy to make and it’s divine!

Almond stuffed Chocolate covered Cherries

Salted Chocolate Oatmeal Smoothie

If you want to skip your heavy meal and have something sweet on your busy Monday then this is an ideal snack for you. All you have to do is blend the ingredients together and sip them while you are driving to your workplace.

Salted Chocolate Oatmeal Smoothie

I know reading this snack gives you the craving to grab something chocolaty. Let me tell you something. Instead of buying a chocolate bar buy some ingredients and try one of these and feel by yourself.

