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Cleanest Countries In The World

Cleanest Countries In The World

If you are a traveler who is eager to travel around the world and wondering where to visit, here are some great destinations. Researches show that living in a clean area can develop health while offering you a longer life. These countries have high EPI scores. EPI identifies scores for several core environmental policy categories and measures how close countries come to meet them.  Today we are going to walk through the cities in the worlds cleanest countries.

10) Germany

Germany is located in central Europe next to Baltic sea and the north sea. Berlin city which is the capital of Germany is well known for its premium set of landmarks and cultural vibrancy. Germany has scored 77.2 in EPI score ratings. Moreover this country has advance tech industry paving new paths for renewable energy sources. The eco friendly rules and regulations have brought Germany have ranked it 4th in the world’s bio diversity rankings.

Germany is one of the greatest tourist markets in Europe, with an estimated 290 billion euros in annual tourism revenue. Germany is renowned for its health tourism, and many of its many spa towns were built on top of hot springs to provide convalescence (German: Kur) or preventative care through the use of mineral water and/or other spa treatments. In 2019, both domestic and foreign visitors spent 495 million nights in Germany’s hotel and lodging industry.

09) Norway

Norway is a north European country edged with Russia, Finland, and Sweden. Furthermore, the eye catching northern Atlantic coastline is one of the major features that Norway has in hands. It has scored the EPI score of 77.7 maintaining sanitation, high quality water and world’s 5th highest air quality rating. Norway’s electricity is 97% renewable. The government of Norway has adopted many rules and regulations to conserve the environment.

As an instance they supposed to decrease green house gases emission by 30% by 2020. Many individuals place Norway at the top of their lists of countries they wish to visit. Norway’s well-known and many tourist sites are just the tip of a vast cultural and historical iceberg that includes fascinating myths and stories. Moreover, the diverse landscapes that stretch over the Arctic Circle are Norway’s primary draws. It is renowned for its coastline punctuated by fjords, mountains, ski areas, lakes, and forests. In addition, Norway has several well-known tourist sites, including Oslo, Lesund, Bergen, Stavanger, Trondheim, and Troms.

08) Sweden

Sweden is a Scandinavian country in northern European region bordering Norway. This is a beautiful country which recently made it into this list. It has the EPI score of 78.7 with top quality air in the world, less air pollution and high level cleanliness. Moreover, the Swedish government has adopted many regulations when to comes to environmental conservation such as utilizing eco friendly energy recourses. These actions have ballooned the country’s tourism industry facilitating 6.6 million international tourists.

Cleanest Countries Countries In The World - Finland

Cleanest Countries Countries In The World – Finland


Furthermore, Sweden is famous for its breath taking sites. For instance, Stockholm Archipelago Cruise, Stockholm Gran Tour, Stockholm Bridges Sightseeing Cruise, Stockholm Old Town & Vasa Museum Private Walking Tour, Stockholm Glance Bike Tour, Viking History Tour from Stockholm, Sigtuna and Uppsala, Dogsled Adventure Kiruna are some places and activities that you can take part if you are visiting Sweden. Moreover, you can witness the enchanting northern lights and ice hotels within this wonderous country.

07) Finland

Finland is a Scandinavian country in northern Europe. Its boarders are marked by Norway, Sweden, Russia, and Baltic sea. Finland is the 7th cleanest country in the world which has obtained 78.9 of the EPI score. Furthermore, 35% of Finland’s energy is generated by renewable sources. Also, this country has high scores of sanitation, water, and air  quality. Finland’s government is taking actions to conserve the diverse wild life that the country owns. Finland has a wide variety of attractions and picturesque locations, from the vibrant, art-filled metropolis of Helsinki and Turku to the depths of the northern forests and the sparsely populated outer islands.

06) Austria

Austria is located in the European continent surrounded by Czech republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Slovenia. Austria is country with strict standards towards environmental pollution. For an instance, they have declared strict rules on using pesticides in Agriculture. Moreover, they have sharp air pollution standards and chemicals and waste management. In addition, 2/3 of Austria is covered with forests. Among other architectural masterpieces, Austria is renowned for its castles, palaces, and buildings. Festung Hohensalzburg, Burg Hohenwerfen, Castle Liechtenstein, and Schloß Artstetten are a few of Austria’s most well-known castles. During the Habsburg era, Austria’s castle population increased significantly.

05) France

France is a European country bordered by Belgium, Luxemburg, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy. Though France has been numerously industrialized  80% of their energy is generated through nuclear power reducing carbon emission in high rates. The air quality score of France is 98.62. Moreover, the French government has adopted strict rules to minimize waste from industrial areas. France draws tourists of all ages with some of the most famous landmarks in the world. For instance, world-class art and architecture, delectable cuisine, breathtaking beaches, opulent ski resorts, magnificent countryside, and an incredible amount of history.

Cleanest Countries Countries In The World - France

Cleanest Countries Countries In The World – France

04) United Kingdom 

United kingdom has been the 4th of the cleanest countries in the world obtaining 98.62 EPI score. They make sure their drinking water supply is in high quality and have gain high scores for sanitation and air quality. Moreover, UK government has declared strict rules and regulations to protect biodiversity and habitats. The main tourist attractions in the nation are located in London, Edinburgh, Oxford, Cambridge, York, and Canterbury. Furthermore, 32 World Heritage sites are located in the United Kingdom, which is the eighth most in the world. The second-best country to visit in 2020 according to Lonely Planet is England, which came in at number two after Bhutan.

03) Switzerland

Switzerland is the 3rd cleanest country with the EPI score hitting 81.5. They have been maintaining high water sanitation, clean water recourses and have minimize water pollution in a significant amount. Moreover, Switzerland is well known for its thick greenly forests and abundant wildlife. Thanks to its mild temperature, breathtaking locations, delectable cuisine, and forward-thinking economy, Switzerland tourism is growing more than ever. There are several must-see locations in Switzerland, such as the Alps and Rhone, as well as mouthwatering cheeses and chocolates.

02) Luxemburg

Luxemburg is a small nation in the western Europe. It has managed to minimize environmental pollution against the rapid growth of population. Luxemburg is home for a vast biodiversity and habitats.There are many sights you can visit if you are in Luxemburg. For instance, the tranquil Grund neighborhood of Luxembourg City, From Mullerthal’s verdant and hilly hiking district to Echternach’s historic, picture-perfect tiny town and the imposing castles of Bourscheid and Vianden.

Cleanest Countries Countries In The World - Switzerland

Cleanest Countries Countries In The World – Switzerland

01) Denmark

Denmark is the world’s cleanest country which has the EPI score of 82.5. They have strict rules and regulations to conserve the natural biodiversity and habitats. Such as, reducing green house gas emission and maintaining air quality. Moreover their government have implement solar power boats, eco friendly hotels and organic food to maintain environmental quality of the country.
