What if I say that we can produce milk without animals? Yes it is true. WE can produce lab milk without animals inside a lab.
Science & Technology
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Science & Technology advanced our lives in an unexpected way. Therapies, medicine, treatments, equipment & researches have upgraded to the next level.
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The World’s First Vaccination
Chamalka Walalawela
Nowadays Vaccination has taken a new phase. Scientists are inventing different kinds of vaccination methods. Today we are going to explore about the worlds first vaccination.
The Most Surprising Science Discoveries In 2022
Pamodhya Samarakoon
Science has being the only hope in future. Scientist have managed to discover solutions to many of the modern problems by science. Here are the top new discoveries that scientists have achieved during 2022.
Magical invention of self-healing concrete
Chanuka Madhushan
Self-healing concrete is a new form of concrete that can assure sustainability of a construction more that regular concrete.
What is Edge Computing and how did it change the world of data
Chanuka Madhushan
Cloud computing allows users to buy, sell and use processing power as a service. It is based on the elastic model of computing, in which a provider offers an infrastructure platform. That is accessible through external networks and virtualization technologies.
Who was the real founder of the Tesla company
Chanuka Madhushan
Tesla motors has become the giant of the technology industry with their innovative new technology and eco friendly vision.
Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Casino Gambling industry
Chanuka Madhushan
Artificial Intelligence has escalated almost every industry to its extreme levels. Let’s see how AI has changed the casino gambling industry.
What is surrogacy and how to have a surrogate baby
Tharushi Fernando
The intention to have a baby through a surrogacy process is getting popular day by day. Many celebrities tend to have surrogate babies due to their busy schedule and health issues.
Sputnik V vaccine How its made, and All
Tharushi Fernando
Vaccination plays a major role in society today due to the pandemic of Covid-19. But normally vaccination is a familiar thing for us from our childhood time as we have got so many vaccines from that time to protect ourselves ...
Why is it Important to Switch off Mobile Devices when taking of a Flight
Chanuka Madhushan
Have you ever wondered why flight attendants ask you to switch off your mobile devices when taking off the plane? Let’s find out.
Defeat of Covid-19 in China – What we didnt know
Sophia Rogers
Starting from Wuhan, China Covid pandemic has spread all over the globe. Covid virus has converted to many variants. Different countries have experimented with various ways to defeat corona. Let’s take a look at how China defeated corona.
How New Zealand conquered Covid-19
Sophia Rogers
Covid-19 pandemic has evolved to a global pandemic. Different countries defeat corona in different ways. here’s how New Zealand defeated corona.
Pfizer vaccine; how it’s made and its features
Tharushi Fernando
Pfizer is a vaccine injected in order to develop immunization against Covid 19 virus, manufacturing in an American pharmaceutical company.
The first person in the world to have a transplantation of a pig heart
Tharushi Fernando
Medical industry is improving in a rapid pace while discovering new technologies. Have you ever heard of a person who is surviving after a pig heart transplant?
More brands Adapting to Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) on e-commerce
Fathima Ashfa
What do you think about virtual showrooms and virtual shopping? Brands are engaging with immerse technologies like AR & VR in marketing.
New inventions and concepts emerged with Covid-19
Sophia Rogers
New inventions and concepts are something that evolves every day in every corner in the world. Covid-19 made things worse but also gave a platform to the creative thinkers.