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Who are allowed to use different colour pens on documents

Who are allowed to use different colour pens on documents

There are three different types of colour pens that you can use to sign, including ink pens, felt tip pens, and digital pens. You will need to know which type you can use for your signing process to be successful.

Legal pens and non-legal pens

We will start by looking at legal pens. A legal pen is a type you would use if you were writing on official state papers, even though they’re still technically considered pens. They’re considered more of an official document than standard napkins or post-it notes used to jot down ideas or reminders quickly. When you’re using a legal pen, you can choose from ink pens or felt tip pens.


Some suggestions would include:

Red ink because it is recognized in most states as legal for legal documents in general

Notaries in some states prefer brown ink because it goes well with the official state seal.

Blue ink is tough to see but could be appropriate if you’re signing a document for someone who has difficulty seeing colours due to health concerns or because they’re colour blind.

If they don’t allow a pen for your signing needs, you can use a different type of marker. You can use a blue or black fine tip permanent marker.


Possible Uses for Markers as a Substitute for Pens

Markers can also substitute for pens if there isn’t anything white or coloured available. You could use markers to write your signature on documents such as Receipts, Invoices, Notebooks, Books, Letters of recommendation, Contracts.

Remember that even though many states accept markers you should always check your state laws before using them. Some states will not allow markers at all for signing legal documents.

markers to sign

Who is allowed to sign using different colour pens?

You are allowed to sign In the context of a contract or other legal document. There are two schools of thought when it comes to signing with colour pens. The first is that you should always sign in black ink, which by convention is the only colour that doesn’t concede ownership. The second school of thought maintains no strict rule about what colours you should use when signing a contract. Instead, you should use a colour that reflects your level of commitment to the document.

signing documents

The first school of thought is the one that’s commonly held in Europe and many other countries. In these parts of the world, you should always sign a document using black ink – this shouldn’t surprise anyone as this is probably the colour most people keep in their desk pens. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a formal or informal document; you shouldn’t sign in anything else.

Different countries & different colour pens

In Europe, they use red ink in legal documents such as wills and contracts that carry any weight. Lawyers usually keep this type of pen at their desks to show clients that they’ve drawn up something important and special.

Some people say that signing a document using black ink is the only way to retain your rights. Even lawyers maintain that using pens of any kind will let you off the hook if the document later becomes insoluble. However, this isn’t likely to happen, as they can dissolve contracts with or without a signature.

black ink

If you’re signing papers for your business, it’s best to use business paper with blue lines instead of letterhead or another customized kind of paper. It doesn’t matter whether you’re writing on A4 or A3 paper – both are acceptable. The important thing is that the type of paper is standard enough so that there’s no danger of misinterpretation on anyone’s part.

The UK

In the UK, they use red pens to sign contracts in companies. This indicates that a lawyer has drafted the document, and one of his clients has signed it on behalf of the company. In fact, only a brief signature is acceptable as the company’s name appears underlined in black ink.

signing in UK


In Canada, regulations dictate that you should always sign a contract with a golden pen. They use gold or precious metals such as sterling silver or platinum to make these pens. This means that you should never use a regular ballpoint pen that looks like a fine-point Sharpie marker to sign important documents. In addition, you mustn’t use blue ink – any other colour will do just fine.

While it’s true that blue ink is the only colour that doesn’t give you ownership of a document, there are still other factors to consider. If you use any colour other than black, people might assume that you’re just taking advantage of the fact that you have not signed the document properly. They could even assume that you’re suggesting that it shouldn’t sign at all!

signing in Canada

It’s best to use black ink for signing contracts. This way, everyone will know whether or not you want to accept the clauses in the contract. However, there are still two options available if you want to use another colour. You can use a different kind of pen for signing, or you can do what most people do in the UK and Canada. Instead of signing your name at the top of the page. You can sign each line of text by hand instead.

The latter option is more formal and will make it clear that you want nothing to do with the contract. If everyone else signs using gold pens, then you’ll get that point across without having to mention it yourself.

Things to consider when signing

It doesn’t matter whether you’re using a pen, pencil, or even a signature stamp; these are all ways to get your name on paper. What’s important is that you determine which pen or pencil colour will be best for you. You can do this by following the standards of your office, your institution, or even the entire country. But if you want to use another colour, so long as it doesn’t affect the other party in any way, then there’s probably nothing wrong with that either.

things to consider

The bottom line is that you should sign the way you want, as long as it doesn’t violate any laws or conventions. The main reason to write legal documents in black ink is to prevent anyone from claiming that they haven’t signed. However, there are still other ways to make sure that the rest knows your signing intentions of the world.

