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The burning problem of fatigue

The burning problem of fatigue

About 20% of Americans face fatigue daily that interferes and bothered with their daily life. Today, many people are in the hospitals, at their doctor’s office, and in walk-in clinics with fatigue as their initial sign. In addition to features of daily life, prescription medications and complications and physical and psychological health disorders can cause symptoms of fatigue. Fatigue can be treated with home medications, rest, and relaxation techniques. If your signs do not get better within a week, it’s best to consult a health physician to decide if an underlying reason may be causing your fatigue.

 Refer the below list of the most common causes of fatigue, 

.Loss of Sleep – A lack of regular sleep decreases one’s power and mental capacity. Sleep strengthens the immune, nervous, skeletal, and muscular systems. It relaxes the mind and body to be able to function at an optimal level fully. Sleep deficit causes increased drowsiness and fatigue during the hours that you are awake. Get adequate (7-8 hours), regular sleep each night to reduce fatigue.


Over-exertion physically, mentally, and emotionally can cause fatigue and affect your health. Working so many hours does not give enough time to rest and recover before returning to work again. People need sufficient personal time between the time they are off work and when they come back to work. This allows for mental, psychological, and physical relaxation and reduces stress. The best way to drop down over-exertion is to maintain good work and personal schedules to allow for relaxation.

fatigue ,over-work, Lack of Exercise

 Lack of Exercise and gym:

Inactivity allows the muscle to turn into fat, which increases the risk for obesity. With more extended periods of inactivity, your metabolism slows down. Our body is burning lesser calories, therefore, causing many symptoms of fatigue. Exercising and gym maintain muscle strength, thus keeping your metabolism at a higher rate to burn more calories. Although gym exercise doesn’t seem like fun for most of the population, even 30 minutes of activity and gym daily will help to take off fatigue, tiredness and lower the risk of obesity.

 Poor Diet:

In today’s modern society there is a fast-food restaurant everywhere. Even though these foods are tasty and easy to access, they are terrible for our health and don’t provide the body with proper nutrients. It needs to maintain function. With the increased hype about decreasing, If you restrict the types of food and the number of calories and food you take in.

 Stress :

Sadly, there is no way around stress and anxiety, whether from work, school, family, or the economy. The goal is to reduce the amount of stress that you have each day. Although a small amount of stress can motivate you to do better, work harder or make changes, excessive stress that doesn’t go away actually depletes the body’s energy and nutrient reserves, causing fatigue and other symptoms to arise. Yoga, meditation, massage therapy, exercise, and stress management techniques reduce stress daily to relax the mind and body.


Feelings of overwhelming sadness and loneliness can consume one’s life. Depression is not only a psychological disorder; it also presents itself in physical ways such as impaired concentration, fatigue, headaches, lack of motivation, and loss of appetite. A psychiatrist can diagnose and prescribe medication for the treatment of depression. Additionally, psychologists are beneficial for psychological counseling, also known as psychotherapy.


Boredom is when one perceives their environment as dull, tedious, uninteresting. Usually, this includes periods of inactivity and lacking stimulation. Inertia causes the metabolism to decrease, slowing down the autonomic nervous system (heartbeat, blood flow, breathing; all organs that automatically function). Overtime fatigue can occur due to reduced energy because the body is burning fewer calories. To stay focused, do things that you like, keep an iPod, book, or magazine with you, and doodle when you feel bored.

Cold & Flu :

The cold and flu penetrate your immune system leaving your body susceptible to illness. Infection, bacteria, and viruses drain the body of valuable nutrients. Fatigue is one of the many symptoms of a cold or the flu. Make sure to take all your vitamins daily, wash your hands and drink as mu of fluids and get plenty of rest to keep your immune system strong.

Food Allergies :

Some people are intolerant to certain types of food. When these foods are consumed, it is hard for the body to digest, causing it to work overtime to eliminate the food from your system. This causes symptoms of fatigue. To eliminate these foods from your diet, start a food elimination journal. Eliminate foods that cause regular food allergies and slowly add them back in until the symptoms return. Once you have found the foods that cause your fatigue, you can eliminate them from your diet.

Anemia :

Anemia is a condition where the body doesn’t have enough red blood cells. Red blood cells are essential because they deliver oxygen and nutrients to all the tissues and organs within the body. Anemia, especially iron-deficiency anemia, is the leading cause of fatigue in women. Iron is needed to produce hemoglobin, the part of the red blood cells that carries oxygen. During times of menstruation, women lose iron, which causes levels to drop in the blood. If diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia, you need to consume more foods that contain iron, or your physician may recommend an iron supplement.

Sleep Disorders :

These disorders such as sleep apnea, insomnia, and narcolepsy cause fatigue due to the interruption of sleep patterns during the night. Sleep is meant to be uninterrupted to allow the body and brain to recover and rest. Even if you are unaware of it, interruptions cause sleep deprivation, which reduces mental clarity and causes drowsiness during the day. Lifestyle changes such as weight loss and quitting smoking can help with sleep apnea, and wear a CPAP device to maintain oxygen flow. Insomnia and narcolepsy need lifestyle management and medication, which may be able to help with these disorders.

Hyperthyroidism or Hypothyroidism :

The thyroid controls the metabolism in the body. An under-active thyroid slows down the metabolism, which makes you feel sluggish and tired. An overactive thyroid keeps the metabolism working overtime, causing the body to deplete energy stores rapidly, causing fatigue.

Diabetes :

Diabetes is a disease that causes sugar to remain in the blood. Typically sugar enters the cells to be converted into energy. However, when the sugar remains in the bloodstream, the body doesn’t receive the energy it needs to function, causing fatigue and related symptoms.

Heart Disease :

Heart disease weakens the heart’s muscles, making everyday tasks harder to accomplish. Routine tasks become more complex, and you become weak, tired, and fatigue before the activity is even completed because the heart cannot continue pumping blood, oxygen, and nutrients throughout the body at its standard rate.

Shift Work Sleep Disorder :

People who work at night or have continually rotating shifts are more easily apt to experience fatigue than someone who has a set work shift every week. Our bodies expect to be asleep for those who work at night, which disrupts the body’s natural internal clock. It also makes it difficult to sleep during the daytime because the body expects to be awake during daylight. A lack of sleep or limited sleeping hours will cause fatigue to set in rapidly. When your work schedule changes all the time, the body can’t know when you should be awake or when you should be asleep. Therefore the body becomes fatigued trying to keep up with a crazy schedule, rather than a set work schedule which allows the body to become accustomed to a set routine of sleeping and working.

Fibromyalgia :

Fibromyalgia is becoming a more common syndrome where people experience long-term, widespread pain, tenderness, and fatigue. It is also associated with sleep problems, headaches, depression, anxiety, and other symptoms. There is no known cause of fibromyalgia; however, it may present in tandem with chronic fatigue syndrome, which typically appears as severe fatigue and lasts for longer than six months.
