There are several extinctions that have been occurred in history This article is all about extinctions.
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Most weird Pets you would never imagine that people keep
Rashmi DulanjaleeHaving pets is considered to be a method of relaxing and reducing stress. Today lots of people keep regular pets such as cats, dogs and birds. But there are some people who has unique preferences when it comes to pets. ...
Adaptations of riverine aquatic insects for their mode of life (Part 1)
Pamodhya SamarakoonAquatic world is a fascinating place to explore. Aquatic life is full of derivations and unique adaptations. Today we are finding the adaptations of riverine aquatic insects for their mode of life.
How Ethical is Medical Testing on Animals & is it Important?
Sammani GunasekaraAnimal testing has being a major part in science experiments. Animal experimentation is used in many fields.
How Tourism benefits Nature and Wild Life
Review OracleTourism and wildlife have been bound together creating a huge field. Is wildlife safe amidst tourism projects?
How having Pets can Improve Your Mental Health
Chanuka MadhushanIf you’re a pet lover but also happen to have a mental illness, you might be wondering if it’s possible for pets to make your symptoms worse. Mental disorders like anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia are unpredictable and only get worse ...