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Secrets of Bermuda Triangle

Secrets of Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle was located off the coast of Florida, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. It was given this name because it has been the site of numerous disappearances since 1950. Over 100 ships and planes disappeared within this area during that time!

The United States Coast Guard did an investigation in 1965 just to cover all their bases. But they found nothing out of the ordinary. They concluded that there wasn’t anything abnormal happening other than bad luck and questionable weather.

The disappearances continued until 1987 when the Coast Guard hired a private team to look into it again. This time they were armed with two cameras, one fixed on the sky and one to record the sea. That’s right; they used a satellite to look at the sea! And what happened?

The team found that shipping vessels were crashing into each other, planes were being downed with no explanation of what happened, and many boats disappeared from radar.

what could be causing this?

A few possibilities are:

Magnetic field fluctuations could be a reason for these irregularities. Magnetic field fluctuations are highly unpredictable and are too strong to be caused by the Earth’s core. Scientists have suggested that solar flares could cause these fluctuations. Solar flares are bursts of radiation from the sun’s surface and have been known to interfere with electronics on orbiting satellites. They can even interfere with our connection to the atmosphere, making it hard for airplanes to stay in the sky.

Magnetic field fluctuations in Bermuda

Magnetic field fluctuations in Bermuda


Since solar flares can cause magnetic field fluctuations, we think that solar flares could be the reason why ships and planes crash into each other in this area.

What about the other disappearances?

Some say that a possible explanation for their disappearance is that there are pockets of radiation close to the Earth’s magnetic field. We do know there are remnants of the nuclear blast from above us in the atmosphere! So, there is a possibility of these pockets of radiation. But what does this mean for you? So far, no one has been able to prove or disprove either theory.

Many people think the Bermuda Triangle may be caused by a portal between dimensions or by a shadow being cast from deep below the surface of Earth’s ocean waters.

It’s been said that some ships and planes have disappeared here because of the unusual magnetic properties of this area. The Bermuda Triangle lies over one of the world’s most active seismic regions, known as the Bermuda-Azores Rift, which runs in a northeast-southwest direction. This is part of what is called the mid-Atlantic ridge, an underwater mountain range that runs almost around Earth’s outer rim. This rift may cause this region to be especially prone to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. These events don’t only attract ships and planes – they also could potentially serve as a portal between dimensions or even a “gateway” to another universe.

portal opening?

Is Bermuda a portal opening-

Is Bermuda a portal opening


Is there some kind of portal opening up in the Bermuda Triangle? Are alien beings entering our dimension and causing trouble for us here on Earth? Is the Bermuda Triangle a gateway that leads to another dimension, possibly the dimension inhabited by these aliens?

Perhaps this rift is allowing extraterrestrial beings or inter-dimensional beings from another plane of existence to come into our plane. Some people theorize that “time ripples” may cause ships and planes to be caught in a weird loop between dimensions. Perhaps they only travel forward in time while they are in these alternate dimensions and then return to their original time frame, but centuries later – thus explaining why they never make it back.

Some people say that it’s possible to use technology to tune into other dimensions and travel there, but if you do this without taking precautions, you may get caught in a “time loop” or some kind of “stuck in limbo” predicament.

remains of Atlantis?

It’s also been theorized that the Bermuda Triangle could be linked to the remains of Atlantis (the lost city of Atlantis is believed by many to still lie beneath the waves). Perhaps some of the energy from this sunken city is somehow causing ships and planes to disappear. Or perhaps something fossil or radioactive was left behind when the city sank, and someone accidentally detonated it.

Another theory is that the energy from the lost city of Atlantis could be somehow to blame for the strange disappearances in this area. This is a possible explanation for those who think that Atlantis existed. And was simply destroyed or submerged into another dimension by some cataclysmic event.

pirate attacks

The Bermuda Triangle is also located along a route often used by drug smugglers and other criminals. The same route has also been used for centuries by pirates. They have been known to attract bad weather as an early warning system when they’re spotted.

Some people say this is the reason why so many ships and planes have disappeared here – pirates attacked them. However, some people doubt these claims’ credibility and say that these disappearances are more likely to be caused by some kind of strange force located in this area.

pirate attacks

pirate attacks

The Bermuda Triangle was also home to a controversial military project that went wrong. This project is known as HAARP (High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program), an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the U.S. Air Force, Navy, and U.S. Department of Defense (it’s run jointly by the Air Force Research Laboratory and Naval Research Laboratory). This controversial project has had many critics, but it has also been used to argue for the existence of alien technology here on Earth.

soul collector

Some people believe that the Bermuda Triangle is a “soul collector” and that ships and planes disappear here. Get trapped in some kind of bizarre limbo or “spirit world.” This could be how these unlucky sailors, pilots, and passengers do not make it back home. They get trapped here forever in some kind of alternate dimension. They may never be able to escape from here to return home. Because they aren’t able to pass through this strange portal into another dimension as well as get back out again.

Of course, some have pointed out that the Bermuda Triangle is simply subject to a greater number of ship and plane disappearances than the rest of the ocean because of its popularity as a travel route. But this idea doesn’t seem likely, because this area is so much smaller than the rest of Earth’s oceans. Many people say that it’s strange that we haven’t seen equal disappearances in other busy shipping lanes. The same thing may also hold for the fact that people who disappear here frequently believe they’ve been abducted by aliens, which could explain why so many people don’t make it back home.
