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How having Pets can Improve Your Mental Health

How having Pets can Improve Your Mental Health

If you’re a pet lover but also happen to have a mental illness, you might be wondering if it’s possible for pets to make your symptoms worse. Mental disorders like anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia are unpredictable and only get worse without treatment. Pets may not be able to cure your condition or make its symptoms disappear entirely, but they can help with some of the daily side effects.

helping with anxiety

This post will cover how pets can offer comfort and companionship in ways you might not otherwise be able to experience. It will also mention different types of animals that could work for different mental conditions or lifestyles.

If you’ve ever had a pet, chances are you’ve had good experiences with them. You may have got your pet as an emotional support animal or to help with symptoms of mental illness. Some people might not be able to have pets because of disabilities, are ill, or even suicidal.

caring pets

This article will discuss how having a pet can improve symptoms related to mental health conditions, why this is important for everyone experiencing symptoms and the various types of animals that can be particularly helpful for those symptoms.

How does it work?

Let’s start with the basics: pets can provide comfort and companionship in ways you might not otherwise be able to experience. Many people with mental health conditions cope by focusing on a pet’s companionship, whether it’s a dog, a cat, or a fish. Being around pets can help you feel less isolated and makes you feel safer.

In addition to making you feel happier, pets can also help with symptoms related to mental health conditions. Pets are excellent listeners and understand when you’re anxious or when you’re upset. This interaction helps you process negative thoughts and feelings and helps develop coping skills to deal with issues in your life.

great listeners

If your pet isn’t already trained to distract and ease your anxiety or depression symptoms, consider getting them trained at an animal behaviourist training centre. These centres can teach animals soothing behaviours to help you feel better. Many people with depressive symptoms find that watching their pets be happy and active can help them get out of bed in the morning.

Types of Pets That Can Be Particularly Helpful for Mental Health Conditions

There are many different types of pets that could be helpful for your mental health. The kind of pet that works best for you will depend on your mental health condition and what you’re willing or able to do for your pet. These are the common types of pets that people with mental conditions find helpful:


Having a fish tank in your home can be calming and relaxing, which is great if you’re dealing with anxiety issues. Having a fish tank in your home can also help calm your depression and provide you with the company. Fish often eat plants and plants can be really calming when they’re in the process of growing.


Small animals

Small animals such as hamsters, guinea pigs, or birds can provide you with companionship and help ease anxiety and depression. They are very easy to care for when they’re small, which is great for people who aren’t able to take care of larger animals.

small animals

Dogs or cats

Dogs or cats can act as emotional support animals. You can train dogs to act as emotional support animals by having your dog become well-trained in a down-facing doggy position. People can enhance mental health conditions. People can train dogs to sit, stay, and come. Cats are trainable just as dogs are.

cats or dogs


Rabbits provide you with companionship and amusement. They are very peaceful creatures that require minimal care, making them ideal pets for anyone who’s ill or disabled.



Parrots are fun for everyone but have particular benefits for children with anxiety. They learn behaviours from their owners so they’re great at understanding body language and social cues. Parrots also mimic the voices of the people who care for them, which can help children feel better about themselves.


If you have limited space, these pets are less likely to require larger enclosures.  Although some of these pets can keep indoors in small cages or aquariums, some can thrive in an outdoor environment.

Health Benefits

Pet owners are more likely to be engaged in physical activity, have lower blood pressure, and have better blood glucose control than non-pet owners. They are less likely to develop cluster headaches, have larger waistlines, have higher levels of stress hormones in their bodies, and are less depressed. They eat healthier diets, sleep better at night, and feel less stressed. Pet owners also tend to see their pets as a source of love and support rather than simply another animal to feed or take care of. But even the smallest pets can bring countless health benefits. Owning a one can bring many positive feelings and emotions, as well as higher levels of happiness and positivity.

stress release

What if I can’t have pets?

Pets can be a great source of comfort and support for anyone’s mental health. In fact, research shows that having a pet can improve your mental health overall. The benefits of pets include helping with depression, anxiety, boredom, loneliness, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. So if you don’t have a pet yet or want to add one to your family but worry about the cost or complications involved in owning one – you’re not alone! You don’t need to make costly trips to the vet or feed an exotic animal that requires being kept inside during the winter months. There are plenty of low-maintenance domesticated animals available for adoption at local shelters and rescues.

best healing remedy

This post may be very useful not only for those who are suffering from depression symptoms but also for those who love and want to help a person suffering from depression. Although it’s best if you consult with a professional first in order to make sure that this is something that can help your loved one as well.

