Are you a fruitarian? Or are you someone who loves to eat fruits? If it is a yes you are treating your body well. Because fruits are rich sources of vitamins and other useful minerals. There are some fruits that you might even have not heard the name of it. They also have unique flavors and an enormous amount of nutrition.
You knew durian is coming first on this list. Didn’t you? Many people refer to the durian fruit as the stinky fruit. Even if not everyone enjoys the smell of durian, you must at least give it a try. Because it is a beneficial and nutritious fruit. If you feel like it stinks, cover your nose!
Many Southeast Asians regard durian, which is indigenous to Malaysia and Indonesia, as the king of fruits. But don’t be shocked when you cut through its prickly exterior to get to the thick, custard-like meat and people flee.

However, don’t let it stop you due to the scent. It’s a delightful fruit. Asian grocery shops are the best location to find it if you are on a hunt for durian.
The cherimoya was reportedly referred to be “the most delectable fruit known to man” by Mark Twain. They are around the size of a grapefruit. But due to their texture, they are frequently referred to as custard apples.
The flavor of this fruit is kind of tropical. It resembles a cross between a pineapple and a banana. It must be peeled since both the seeds and the skin are poisonous. Despite being a native of the Andes in South America, the cherimoya is now grown throughout South Asia, Hawaii, Southern Europe, and some regions of Africa.

Cherimoya;Most Exotic Fruits Around The World.
However, a lot of people fail to differentiate between cherimoya and soursop. They’re not the same. Although the flavor is similar, Cherimoya and soursop are different varieties of the Annona plant. Cherimoya provides a wide range of health advantages since they are rich in fiber. Moreover, it contains iron, potassium, vitamin C, and B vitamins. They also include cytotoxins, which many people think can fight any disease from cancer to malaria.
Pitaya or dragon fruit
Pitaya is often known as dragon fruit. It is a pomegranate-sized fruit that has gained enormous popularity in recent years. Because it is majorly used as an ingredient in smoothies and beverages.
The term “dragon fruit” refers to the fruit’s vivid skin and scales, which resemble, dragons. Slice it open and remove the pulp and seeds before eating. But some people like eating it with seeds. “Hemmes” compared the flavor of dragon fruit to a mix between a kiwi and a pear. It is somewhat sweet and crisp.

Pitaya or dragon fruit
Dragon fruit has a lot of nutritious elements. It features high levels of ions such as magnesium and iron. Further, it contains vitamin C, prebiotics, and betacyanin. Betacyanin is a naturally occurring colorant with anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic qualities that is present in the fruit. Dragon fruit also includes anti-cancer and antioxidant characteristics that may help prevent breast cancer.
Lychee is a pretty well-known and unusual fruit that is produced in Southeast Asia. Moreover, it can be found in Hawaii and other tropical regions of the United States. It has a very short fruit season. But when it does, everyone appears to have lychee fruit to give away or sell for a very low price.

Lychee;Most Exotic Fruits Around The World.
Hawaii’s harvest season normally lasts from May through June. It is quite simple to tear apart the leathery and prickly skin of the fruit when it is ripe and brilliant red. The skin becomes rougher and more difficult to remove if left for more than a few days. The lychee’s flavor is sweet, moist, and juicy within, with a fruity flavor to the fruit’s transparent exterior.
Horned Melon (Kiwano)
This stunning fruit which has an African origin belongs to the cucumber family. You may consume the delicate seeds and the vivid green, jelly-like inside if you got to try this one. With a tinge of banana, its light flavor is considered to be somewhat similar to cucumber or lime.

Horned Melon (Kiwano)
This fruit is widely used when making salads. Also, it is added to yogurt and blended to make juice or smoothies. Horned melon is low in calories and high in antioxidants. Especially it is a rich source of vitamin A.
The jack fruit tree is the biggest tree that grows fruits on it. It originated in rainforests. Also, it is related to figs and breadfruit and belongs to the same family. It has a faint fruit flavor, and the starchy flesh has been a staple in the local cuisine for many years. In North America, jackfruit is increasing in popularity as more eateries offer vegan and vegetarian options. The well-known vegan alternative to pulled pork in tacos and sandwiches is jackfruit. Due to its size, buying a full, fresh jackfruit might be a waste. Due to this reason, it’s sometimes sold quartered or half.

Jackfruit;Most Exotic Fruits Around The World.
Although jackfruit typically weighs between 10 and 20 pounds, it is possible to encounter jackfruits that are up to 100 pounds. Moreover, canned or frozen jackfruit can also be purchased in big cities. If you desire the advantages of a low-glycemic meal, jackfruit is a fantastic replacement. Its mild flavor is comparable to potatoes And because it is so starchy, it frequently takes the place of potatoes in meals. Protein, vitamin A, fiber, copper, manganese, and other minerals may be found in jackfruit. The seeds are incredibly healthy and can be eaten as a snack after cooking.
The mangosteen tree is an evergreen that is indigenous to the islands in the Indian Ocean such as Sri Lanka. But it has been farmed for generations in tropical regions all over the world. The mangosteen tree produces dark-red or purple fruits with white flesh that is incredibly juicy and sweet. Mangosteens have a smooth, delicate texture comparable to lychee fruit with a mellow perfume of butter, caramel, and grass. They may be used in sweets, and salads, or even can be eaten raw.

Golden berries or Peruvian groundcherry
Golden berries, are brilliant orange in color and have a husk like tomatillos. Those are also known as Peruvian groundcherry, Inca berries, poha berries, husk cherries, or cape gooseberries.
Golden berries, are a little smaller than cherry tomatoes and taste sweet and tropical like pineapple or mango. They go well on their own, in salads, or a smoothie bowl. However, you can only eat them when they are ripe since eating them before might make you sick. Eat just ripe golden berries without any green sections if you want to be safe.

Golden berries or Peruvian groundcherry
Golden berries are a rich source of vitamin C, fiber, vitamin K, iron, and antioxidants. And they also have anti-inflammatory properties. Furthermore, it can strengthen bones and the immune system, as well as assist stop the growth of cancer cells.
A tropical fruit called starfruit is quickly gaining popularity in the United States. Due to the fruit’s shape. When it is cut into slices, the slices appear to be in the shape of a star.
The fruit’s flesh is moist and crisp. And the taste varies greatly from fruit to fruit.

Starfruit;Most Exotic Fruits Around The World.
The unripe fruit is occasionally used in cooking. But ripe fruit can be consumed raw. Moreover, when it is combined with salt and pepper it can offer an amazing taste.