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How Ethical is Medical Testing on Animals & is it Important?

How Ethical is Medical Testing on Animals & is it Important?

 Animal testing

With the advancement of science and technology, researches have upgraded to its maximum, creating the requirements of human being more and more complex. As well, science and other related fields have increased the intensity of conducting research experiments and found. It was inadequate and hazardous to fulfill the research requirements through human beings as immense criticism was thrown at science for making use of the human body as a research model.

At the same time, it was a source of danger and unreliable to make live human models for such unpredictable situations. With this risk and objections raised of using human models on testing scientists paid their attention towards animal testing. This involves the procedures performed on live animals for purpose of research, biology, medication, diseases, and health and industry products. Though there were so many opponents’ and proponents’ views, the ethical background and impotence of this matter provide contracting notions.

animal Testing

History of animal testing

animal testing has a history that begins with the prehistoric era. Fascinated by the confusion, humans tend to reveal the secrets inside the structure and function of animal and human bodies. Earliest written clues on animal testing can be seen among Greek writings from as early as circa 500.

Aristotle and his successors have conducted experiments on the vivisection of animals. At the same time, objections to animal testing have been raised by scientists. Such as Theophrastus, stating that animals also can feel pain as human beings. However, with the advancement of science, scientists like Claud Bernard, Ivan Pavlov continued their work based on animal testing. Spreading their proponent notions through research reveals.

animal Testing

Fields benefited by animal testing

Research programs based on animal testing can be found in many fields. Such as public health, epidemiology, cancer, preventive medicine, epigenetics, aging, endocrinology, neuroendocrinology. Moreover, diabetes cellular biology, molecular biology, genetics, pharmacology, psychopharmacology, neuroscience, and virology.

For breeding of laboratory animals and genetic studies, pure biological and medical research, safety testing on non-medical products used in the household, agriculture, and industry, and developing new methodologies for science testing, cosmetics, and other fields, animal experimenting contributes immensely.

animal Testing

In laboratories, purpose-bred transgenic mice and rats have been used for millions of testing. Moreover, approximately 95% of warm-blooded animals have contributed to the manufacturing lot of medication used to treat the health issues of animals and humans. Life-changing discoveries, new vaccines, and new medications for transplant processes have been developed. Many human lives have changed and improved through medical advances related to the animal experimenting field.

Contributors for testing

Mice, chimpanzees, dogs, cats, fish, and monkeys have sacrificed their lives in large numbers in mitigating the thirst for testing. Reptiles, Amphibians, Primates, and horses are among the contributors. Recently, during the COVID-19 period, Ferrets and Macaque monkeys have been used to measure the efficiency of COVID- 19 vaccines before applying them to human beings. Hamsters have been used to develop the treatments of COVID- 19 treatment strategies. A considerable half of these animals were killed naturally during the processes, another amount slaughtered forcibly and the rest survive as genetically altered (GA) animals.

Cons of animal testing

However, there are a lot of cons to animal testing. Though there were thousands of experiment results, a few tests practically applied in their reveals in biological practices. Also, animal testing costs much, a huge effort, time, and money should be invested in the process. No one can affirm the testing results as 100% applicable for humans. Because the functional changes can be seen in the animal body in contrast with the human body.

animal Testing


Moreover, the living animal should not be the sole resource for scientists to conduct a biological experiment. The most hazardous effect of animal experimenting is generating harmful micro-organisms such as bacteria and viruses into the surrounding. The pandemics and destroying can be difficult as COVID virus and it can be killer of the human tribe.

Opponent views

Opponents’ views highly reject animal testing; stating that the activities done in testing processes might be painful for the animals as they also can feel pain. Queen Victoria, an early opponent of animal testing has ordered to stop animal testing. Saying that she was shocked by the cruelty of the deed. Organizations like PETA (People for ethical treatments of animals) has raised their voice towards the independence of animals.

In front of the great objection, in 2007, the US National Academy of Sciences called for a reduction of animal testing in America. Environmental Protection Agency (US) presented a plan to reduce animal testing. On a considerable percentage in upcoming years. The opposition can be seen by the life threats pointed at veterinarians who are engaged in animal testing. Every living being has a right to live and being another animal, a human cannot dominate everything as he wishes.

cruelty on brands

cruelty on brands

Overall, notions can be seen stimulating both opponent and proponent views of animal experimenting. No needs to exaggerate the services have done by animal testing towards the advancement of science human society from then till now. In contrast, if one has to violate another’s rights for his survival, it cannot be taken as an ethical practice. As the most intelligent animal phylum human being should secure the living rights of every living being on this Earth.
