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Native Red Indian music that soothes your mind

Native Red Indian music that soothes your mind

Native Red Indians are people that we are very familiar with even when we were kids. There are so many cartoons and stories about Red Indians and we all love them. Pocahontas the Red Indian Disney princess, Chief Seattle, and even in the Santa Clause’s story we hear about Red Indians.

Their beliefs, culture, and connection with nature are amazing.  The simplicity in their lives makes it very easy to live. And Red Indian music is always one of the best sounds tracks that you can use when you are studying or working so hard.

Mostly their music has natural sounds. And also they use repetitive sound patterns. Main there are four native groups in this music type. And they are as Andean Highlights, Tropical Forest, Southern Cone, and Circum- Caribbean.

Andean Highlights music


Andean Highlights are connected with a group called Incas. They prefer mostly vocal music. The males play the instruments and the women do the singing part. And they sing in a nasal voice and also use falsetto. And mostly they have a single melodic line. They use panpipes a lot and also, big double-headed drums.

Tropical Forest music

Amazon, parts of Brazil, and even the Orinoco River are some of the very famous Tropical forest areas. And gender plays a key role in this tribe. Females cannot do any collective rituals or even see their sacred flutes. But different communities have different vocal styles. For instance, the Suya’ community uses high tensed voices to sing, but they use deep voices when singing songs alone. The most common instruments that they use are calabash rattles and flutes.

Tropical Forest music

Tropical Forest music

Southern Cone music

Mapuche community, a community that many music researchers have studied belongs to the Southern cone music group. And if you are into native music you may have heard a genre called ‘Tail’. Females perform and they use very limited lip movements. They are using kultrun drum and trutruka bamboo trumpet as their native musical instruments. Other than these, rattles, water drums, bamboo stamping sticks are some of the instruments they use for ceremonial occasions.

Southern Cone music

Southern Cone music

Circum- Caribbean music

Circum Caribbean is a group that treats both men and women equally. Both men and women sing and play musical instruments. They use both high and low vocal tones and it depends on the ritual. This group also uses large-headed drums and a special wind instrument called Ture.

Circum- Caribbean music

Circum- Caribbean music


Even though these music genres are 1800 years old, musicians just blend them with 21st-century music even now and then. And many music researchers identify this music as ‘the mirror of nature.
