Artificial intelligence has been a controversial topic for years as we have this fear if AI takes over humans. Will Matrix come true in the forthcoming future? Or is that already happened?
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Skin Care Routines and Treatments for Acne Skin
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teenagers and adults face many mental and physical problems due to pimples that stay on their faces without paying rent. here are some solutions that you can try out.
Can Psychic Reading really Tell about Your Future?
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who doesn’t like to sneak peek into the future and see what is going to happen? how correct are those psychic predictions? time to know.
Celebrities who have done Hair transplant, with before & After pics
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hair transplant is playing a major role in the beauty industry. most of the celebrities cling to their younger look by going through hair transplant procedures.
What happened to Facebook, WhatsApp & Instagram on 4th October
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A major outage of Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp has been the talk of the town. How would those threats affect users? Will it happen again? Is Facebook going to change? Are you safe in cyberspace?